Chapter 03

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Mason? What is he doing here?

He smiles brightly at me and waves. I wave back and beckoned him to come. He quickly runs across the street and disappears inside the building. I tiptoe past Nell's bedroom and open the front door. I quietly shut it and wait for Mason to arrive. I immediately saw him around the corner.

When he was close enough to hear me I ask, "What are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?"

"Yeah I know," he was out of breath, "I just got out of work. I sent you a text."

"You did? I must have missed it, but what are you doing here," I cross my arms because I realize I'm in my embarrassing ice-cream pajamas.

"Sorry, I wanted to check up on you. Haven't seen you around much," he half-smiles.

"Seems like everyone is worried about me. I'm okay thanks," I sigh in frustration. I know he's being a good friend, but showing up randomly weirded me out. Now that I think about it...

"How long were you standing out there?"

"Not long. I look up to find you staring at me and that scared me half to death," he chuckles.

"Oh," I nervously laugh, "You should go. My sister is here and it's late."

"Your sister?" He questions.

"I didn't tell you? She's staying with me for a week."

"Ahh," he scratches the back of his neck, "I'm sorry that this was so sudden. Have a nice night."

"Thanks. You too," I smile and he walks away.

That was weird. I lock the front door and head to bed.

          I wake up from Nell shaking me to death. I groan, "The hell? What are you doing?"

"Your phone! It's been ringing for the past 5 minutes. How did you not hear that?" She scowls at me and leaves the room.

I grab my phone from the nightstand. Shit! There are 20 missed calls from Dong-Wook and 40 unread messages. I quickly answer the phone.

"Inaya! Why didn't you pick up the phone!?" He yells at me.

"Calm down," I yell back, "I was asleep!"

He sighs in relief, "You scared me."

"Why? What's wrong?" I sound annoyed, but I didn't mean to. It's just that I was sleeping and I hate it when people wake me up all of a sudden.

"Nothing. I'm sorry," he mumbles, "Fuck I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like a maniac."

"It's okay. You were the one that scared me," I lightly laugh.

He chuckles, "I meant to come home today, but my family insists that I stay for one more day. I'll be back tomorrow."

"That's fine. I can wait. Spend as much time as you can with your family."

"Thanks. I have to go now."

"Bye," I say and he hangs up.

That was a bit awkward. First, it was Mason showing up in the middle of the night, and now Dong-Wook? Ugh, I need food. Food makes everything feel better, but I need to do something first.

I grab a pillow from my bed and stomp to Nell's room. She was lying on her back using the phone when I threw the pillow to her face. She yelped, "What was that for?"

"For interrupting my damn sleep! Now get up we're going out to get breakfast," I walk out of her room before she argues with me.

     My legs will break down if I stand here any longer. I text Nell:

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