117. "i look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded them up"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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There is a reason for all this frustration

I believe that we're on the right path


          LUCIA DIDN'T EXPECTED HERMIONE'S ANGER to abate overnight and was therefore unsurprised that she communicated mainly by dirty looks and pointed silence that were quite deafening the next morning.

Ron responded by maintaining an unnaturally somber demeanor in her presence as an outward sign of continuing remorse. In fact, when all four of them were together Lucia felt that she and Harry were the only non-mourner at a poorly attended funeral. During those few moments he spent with Harry (collecting water and searching the undergrowth for mushrooms) from what she was told, however, Ron became shamelessly cheery.

"Someone helped us," he kept saying. "Someone sent that doe. Someone's on our side. One Horcrux down, mate!"

Bolstered by the destruction of the locket, they set to debating the possible locations of the other Horcruxes, and even though they had discussed the matter so often before, Lucia caught up with Harry's latest optimism in personality, certain that more breakthroughs would succeed the first. Hermione's sulkiness could not mar his buoyant spirits: The sudden upswing in their fortunes, the appearance of the mysterious doe, the recovery of Gryffindor's sword, and above all, Ron's return, made the pair so happy that it was quite difficult to maintain a straight face.

Late in the afternoon Harry and Ron escaped Hermione's baleful presence again when Lucia proclaimed that she would be out scouring for blackberries, supposedly 'helping' her but instead continued their ongoing exchange of news. While she were looking around for berries, Harry had finally managed to tell Ron the whole story of their various wanderings, right up to the full story of what had happened at Godric's Hollow; Ron was now filling them in on everything he had discovered about the wider Wizarding world during his weeks away.

"...and how did you find out about the Taboo?" he asked the two after explaining the many desperate attempts of muggle-borns to evade the Ministry.

"The what?"

"You've stopped saying You-Know-Who's name!"

"Oh, yeah. Well, it's just a bad habit we've slipped into," said Harry. "But I haven't got a problem calling him V —"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now