I Tighten the Noose Whenever I'm With You

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"That's an interesting little tattoo." I said quietly and she huffed out a little laugh.

"Another life, young love, that kind of thing." She said reaching around pulling my fingers away from the little flame and up to her mouth. She touched them softly to her lips in a slow, sleepy way. I kissed the back of her shoulder, trying to not let the words nag at me and just enjoy the afterglow. There was something about them though. They stuck there in my brain like gum to a shoe. I wasn't going to ask, but my post-coital brain was a little slow on the uptake.

"So, what happened to this past love?" I asked, regretting the words the moment they left my mouth. She was quiet for a long time and with every passing second, I felt worse and worse for asking. I, of all people, should know better than to ask about someone's past. She pressed her lips softly against my fingers again before taking a deep breath.

"He uh...he passed away a few years ago." She said quietly. Ok, now I really feel like shit. I leaned in and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up something painful." I whispered into her hair. She leaned her cheek on my hand and softly nuzzled into it.

"It's ok. I'm grateful that I got to love him." Her words were barely a whisper but they held so much weight. How she could see the upside to losing someone she cared so much for was a foreign concept to me. I lost my best friend and I scorched the earth in return. We were both quietly lost in thought for a bit, until she broke the silence. "You two would have gotten along, I think. He was a bit of a hot head too." She said, her tone playful.

"Really. That's bold considering you don't know the first thing about me." I said confidently.

"Don't I?" she said in a tone that suggested without a doubt that I was wrong. She flipped around, pushing me onto my back, straddling me. "You're quick to anger, and deadly when you follow through, but..." she started as she lightly traced her fingers up and around the muscles of my chest and then down to my abs. "Somewhere, under all the rage and murder, is a heart that's good, in spite of itself. What else do I really need to know?" she finished and I laughed as she ran her hand up and into my hair.

"That's cute sweetie, but this isn't some 'killer with a heart of gold' story." I said. She smirked as she leaned in, pressing her perfect tits to me, the heat of her skin on mine making my dick stand at attention again. The way she looked up with eyes that were warm and too kind for someone like me told me she thought otherwise. "You think I'm secretly some sweet heart that will magically choose to do the right thing one day and all my sins will be redeemed?" I teased as I burst out laughing, holding her to me as I cackled at the thought.

I loosened my grip as the laughter began to subside and she promptly sat up, slipping backwards just enough to rock her hips and slide her slick sex against my cock. "Then riddle me this Batman," she started as she slowly rocked her hips front to back, making me throb indelicately. "Why was it that every time my tits came into view, you'd look away? Or why did I have to make all the first moves? You could have taken me any time you liked, you're clearly stronger than me...and it's obvious how your body reacts to me." She said, grinding her pussy on my aching cock. "And let's not forget," she continued, this time in a low, sultry whisper that did nothing to ease the need surging in me, "how you just couldn't kill me." Her words were emphasized, but she never changed her tone.

I grabbed her by her hips, lifting her up off of me. My patience had worn thin and there was a film of annoyance settling in over my brain and I didn't like it. "Old habits, honey." I said, pulling her down hard, my waiting cock slamming deep into her, causing her to cry out and her hands to fist on my chest as her pussy clamped down around me. I waited for her settle into me. "I tried the good guy bit once. Didn't work out as planned." I said, lifting her up again before she was ready and slamming her back down on me, drawing another guttural cry from her lips.

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