120. "i drive and I drown, but I don't know how"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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There's some reason why I can't sit still,

every waking moment I feel so unfulfilled


           THINGS ESCALATED FAST. JUST SECONDS ago they were standing with theirs wand in hand, face panic, and the next Lucia knew — before she could even comprehend it, there was a blinding flash of light before a sound a loud bang rang her ears deafeningly as hands grabbed her violently, pinning her down.

Lucia was afraid, she was scared that if she were to open her eyes right now she would be greeted by a scene she would get nightmares from, but she opened her eyes anyway. And she regretted it as she stiffened in fright while another pair of hands searching for something in the pockets of the jacket Ron had lent her to wear and slowly it began to trail down to the school skirt she was wearing.

"D-Don't touch —"

"Shut up!"

She felt violated as their hands roamed her body like she was some lifeless doll, using the excuse of rummaging through her pockets to search her, but fortunately they couldn't find anything to be stored except some sweet wrappers and berries long with pink mittens. She didn't know why it was so important for them to do such things when they had already snatched her wand away from her. Without it, she was helpless and under their very mercy.

As she was hauled out of the tent, she was pushed harshly to where Hermione was being held. Thankfully before her face could land face flat on the ground, Hermione caught her just in time, bringing her quickly in her arms. But a peaceful investigation was not in their mind as not long Lucia was pulled away harshly from her.

"Let — go — of — me — !" Lucia attempted to wrestle out from their grasp.

"Don't fight it, tramp!" said a disgusting raspy voice in her ear. The man pulled her ponytail harshly, causing her to whine in pain. "We don't want things to get dirty here..."

She shuddered at the mere thought of things getting 'dirty'.

"F-Fine," said Lucia with a shaky voice, "The least you could do is give my glasses... I'm blind as a bat..."

The glasses was on her bunk of the bed along with her schoolbag. She couldn't lose the glasses to them, not when she discovered the use of them and how functional it could be in their hunt if they were to get out of this alive. She couldn't bear the thought of losing something that would give them another clue to where the Horcrux would be, there would be too much guilt for her...

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now