Chapter 1

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23rd June, 2367

London, England

It took them well over a century to accomplish, but the muggles had finally done it. They'd finally found a way to defeat their long-standing enemy. Unfortunately, it wasn't only the muggles' enemies that were about to be destroyed.

The muggles, due to their profound lack of understanding of how the world works, had unwittingly ensured the end of the world at large.

Yes, the apocalypse was nigh, and there was absolutely nothing anyone could do to stop it.

Well, perhaps there was one person that could prevent the inevitable from happening, but his intervention was yet to be determined.

In case you were wondering, the muggles were at war with the magicals, which consisted of all magic wielders—creatures and humans alike—along with all their sympathizers.

One hundred and thirty-eight years ago, muggles, in a series of very unfortunate events, found out about the magical world. It was a discovery which led to worldwide panic and chaos, and it was also a discovery which plunged the world into the most vicious war of all time.

With the Statute of Secrecy shattered, muggles around the whole globe became terrified and untrusting, caging themselves inside their homes for fear of their shadows. But they didn't stay hidden forever. No, it didn't take much time at all for their paranoia to fester and grow to the point where they decided that they needed to unite and strike.

No amount of diplomacy could make the muggle masses understand that they had been living in coexistence with the magicals for centuries, even if the muggles themselves had been largely unaware of it.

The muggles had been afraid of the unknown and what they couldn't understand, and never stopped being afraid. That fear of the unknown fueled their hatred and their agenda to destroy anything magical in the world—anything they weren't able to control.

That is how the war between the two worlds began, and it hadn't stopped since.

Once the muggles had officially declared war against the magical world, everything started changing at a very rapid pace. Nothing was as it had been, and in a few, short months it became apparent to both sides that circumstances wouldn't ever be returning to the status quo.

Many things that had made the world bearable to live in, like laughter and joy, had been the first to leave those old enough to understand just how severely the world was changing. But it didn't take long for the children to learn that there was nothing in the world left to laugh about—that fun and games were a thing of the past. Then, one day, all the children were gone, replaced by young soldiers trained to fight for their survival.

Disputes between the Dark and Light faction had also become a distant thing of the past as wizards and creatures alike united on a single front to ensure their continued existence.

Hope was the next to vanish off the face of the earth. After decades of never-ending battles, bloodshed, and loss, there seemed to be no escaping the nightmare that had become everyone's life.

There was no peace, not even amongst allies, because by then the hunger took over, that unquenchable and blood searing hunger to survive. The hunger took over, and there was nothing left but a need to devour.

These days no one knew what it felt like to be at peace. Peace was so far removed from the scopes of reality that it had long since become a forgotten concept, one that was not even whispered to the scared babes at night.

No, regrettably, peace hadn't held reign over the world for far too many years. Instead, the world was ruled by conflict, hostility, and fear, creating an age of war the likes of which had never been seen before.

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