Chapter 25

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13th December, 1941

Number 12, Grimmauld Place


That morning wasn't unlike any other morning—truly ordinary in the most pleasant, agreeable, and gratifying of ways.

Arcturus was the sort of wizard that liked to get his business for the day out of the way as quickly as wizardly possible, so that morning Arcturus had woken up before the sun had even kissed the horizon, as he did every other day.

As his eyes had cracked opened to greet the day, he'd lazily turned his head to the side and gazed at his beautiful wife, marvelling at just how blessed he was to wake to such an entrancing sight, wondering, as he did every morning, just how he'd gotten so unbelievably lucky.

After placing a gentle and loving kiss to his rousing wife's brow, he'd then started on his morning routine. He'd picked out appropriate robes, bathed, got dressed, and groomed himself to a respectable fashion that upheld the Black name and prestige.

As tedious as it may sound, he liked it that way—simple and meticulous—every morning without fail.

It was also routine for Arcturus to have some light breakfast and a cup of steaming tea with an indulgent spoon of sugar while reading the morning's newspaper and occasional Healing subscription. Once he was done, he typically bade his darling wife a good day with a sweet kiss to the cheek and left to conduct whatever business it was he needed to conduct.

Since he'd retired from his healing career, most days he was usually home by lunch. But that's not quite true anymore, not these days—not since he'd met their Harry. These days he was lucky if he made it home before dinner. And if it did happen that he was so lucky as to get home by lunch, he'd still be holed up in his study with a mountain of paperwork to go through and numerous letters to write. Thankfully, his darling wife was always kind enough to assist him. Accomplished and hard-working witch that she is, Melania had never quite been the type to sit back and do nothing, and unlike him, she welcomed the recent change of pace.

Arcturus honestly couldn't wait for the day Harry finished Hogwarts and was able to dedicate all his attention and time towards their agenda. While Harry did a surprising amount of work from Hogwarts, it simply wasn't the same as if he were actively present to handle all the little bumps and hurdles. Him being out of Hogwarts would also help improve his image in the eyes of the council. Because it didn't matter that Harry was a highly powerful and intelligent individual, not when some people couldn't see past the school uniform the boy still wore.

But Harry had already elevated himself in the eyes of the council before he ever met them—with that stunt he pulled in Hogsmeade. While he still disapproved of Harry recklessly endangering his own life, he had to admit that it had helped them in swaying a little favour. In any case, the situation didn't look as bleak as it once did.

Now, if only he could convince the boy to simply take his exams early. He honestly didn't know why the boy insisted on finishing the year. For that matter, he honestly didn't know why he'd wanted to attend Hogwarts in the first place.

But Harry insisted. And he'd raised some valid points, especially the one about making some connections in the younger generations. And if Malfoy was any indication, then maybe Harry hadn't been so wrong about that. But he'd still rather the boy left Hogwarts, even if he felt relieved that Harry was keeping an eye on his children and nephews.

But, yes, Arcturus was quite surprised with how much Harry managed to get done between classes, quidditch, and whatever other projects he has involving that school.

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