Chapter 26

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Chapter 21


It wasn't that Harry didn't appreciate this little show of allegiance from the vampires and werewolves. Nevertheless, it was unnecessary and definitely not the right time or place for such incriminating declarations to be made. Not with Magical Britain watching him like a hawk.

So what was Harry to do other than snap his fingers and stop time?


So Harry went right ahead and did just that.

Death huffed from his left, sounding unnecessarily disappointed. "Did you have to go and ruin all the fun, Harry?"

"I just needed a minute to think. And besides, I'm not in the business of collecting sycophants."

"Doesn't mean that you couldn't have let it play out and then turned back time. That is what you're planning, right?"

"Your complaint has been noted, Death," Harry snapped. "And don't ask questions you already know the answers to. It's annoying. I'm not in the mood for annoying right now."

"You're cranky? Why are you cranky? Can't you take a moment and relish in the victory that was today's battle?"

Harry's eye narrowed at his friend.

"People are dead," he snarled, "and I had to let Grindelwald go because capturing him would have ended up killing more people than if I'd lit his arse on fire. I have newspaper articles to bury and injured to see to. Not to mention the vampires and werewolves I need to accommodate and secure favour from the Ministry for. Dumbledore will have questions I'm disinclined to answer, and I might have to cancel my dinner plans with Tom. Not that I can be sure that he accepted my invitation, but that's beside the point. So, no, today was not a victory."

"Well, it's a good thing you don't have to sleep."

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