moonlight - i. wakasa

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"woohoo!" everyone was cheering loudly as black dragons was celebrating their victory against another gang.

"cheers boss." takeomi knocked his glass lightly with shinichiro and looked over to wakasa that was with y/n alone.

"geez. he's so quiet especially when everyone is so hyped."

"maybe we should introduce some girls to him. i'm sure many girls would want him so badly. he could get them easily if he wanted to." takeomi continued as the thought came to his mind.

"facts. i mean he's talking to y/n. the only girl he actually talks to." shinichiro grinned widely, trying to hold back his laughter.

"he's probably got a crush on her." he joked and bursted out laughing when he caught wakasa glaring at him.

"sorry bro. don't take it seriously, i was clearly joking." he bowed profusely with shinichiro at the back, chortling at him.

even though takeomi liked to tease wakasa, he was still really afraid of him. especially when he gets mad. real mad.

"did you hear some fuckhead talking shit about me?" the lilac eyes hissed.

"what. no..?" i replied cluelessly as i was trying to take a scan around the place.

he sighed but still had that restless expression pasted on his face.

"ugh i hate it here. the smell. the atmosphere. everything. let's get out of here y/n." wakasa held my wrist and pulled me along as he stood up.

"we're leaving." he said coldly.

"what? already? where are you guys going?" shinichiro, who was then trying to flirt with some girls, along with takeomi and benkei looked over in confusion.

"none of your business." he sped up in his steps.

"wait!" shinichiro managed to catch up on time as he was panting heavily.

"what do you want?"

"relax. i'm not going to steal y/n away from you."


"why are you leaving so early? i thought you were going to stay till midnight."

"well not anymore."

"that's unfortunate. go have your own fun i guess."

"with y/n." he mouthed the words quietly and raised an eyebrow to wakasa with a smirk.

wakasa rolled his eyes and left immediately while still holding on to y/n.

"such an asshole. giving me that attitude again." his lips curved as he made his way back.

"we're here." wakasa stopped the engine as he got off first so he could help me up.

"where are we?" i questioned, taking a good look of the view that was right in front of us.

it was beautiful. the starry night sky and the lights that were shining from the tall buildings and the glowing moonlight.

"my favourite place."

"i didn't know you had one." i fixed my gaze back on him.

"now you do." he strolled along the pathway, eventually pulling himself up to sit on the ledge while he was still facing the view.

"wow. i had never seen something like this before. i always dreamed to go to places like this with my future partner." i sat beside him with my legs dangling in mid air.

𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now