Chapter 4 -

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Brooke's POV-

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. It looked like a- a hospital room. Oh god am I in a hospital. Shit. My moms are gonna be pissed. I'm feeling a bit tired so I'm gonna close my eyes and get some sleep.

A few minutes later I hear the door open and I open my eyes.

???- "Good your awake. Maybe now you can tell me who you are and what you are doing here."

Brooke- "What do you mean who am I. I'm pretty popular considering who I'm related to and who their friends are."

???- "Who are you related to?"

Brooke- "My moms are Sara and Ava they are FBI agents at least that is what they told me. They don't know this but I know that they are actually the White Canary and The Ex-Director of the Time Bureau."

???- "What's a 'White Canary' and a 'Time Bureau'?"

Brooke- "Right no one knows what the time bureau is, but my other mom the White Canary used to be the Black Canary, she worked with the Green Arrow."

???- "Who's the Green Arrow?"

Brooke- "Ok now I'm really confused. Do you know the Flash?" He shakes his head. "Kid Flash?" He shakes his head again. "Supergirl?"

???- "Like in the comics?"

Brooke- "What no. Like the superhero of national city."

???- "Yeah that's in comics."

Brooke- "Wait who are you?"

???- "I'm Tony Stark. Who are you?"

Brooke- "I'm Brooke Sharpe-Lance. Where am I?" I feel like I've heard that name before. Like in a book or something.

Tony- "You are at Stark Industries."

Brooke- "What's that?"

Tony- "You don't kn- wait never mind. What were you doing before you arrived here?"

Brooke- "I was walking out to the car some my moms can talk to their friends about super things and then I say a flash of light and then I woke up here."

Tony- "It worked!"

Brooke- "What worked?"

Tony- "So I've been work on a theory. The Multiverse theory. And I tried to travel to another universe and it didn't work but as soon as I did it you showed up in a flash of light."

Brooke- "Oh great I'm on a different earth."

Tony- "You say that like it's happened before."

Brooke- "Yeah it's happened before. Just not to me. It happened to the Flash. That's where he met Supergirl and Superman" this think autocorrected to capital for Superman but not Supergirl. This sexist mo fo.

Tony- "Hold up. So your telling me that some earths have travel back and forth before now?"

Brooke- "No. They figured it out in 20 years... of course they figured it out a few years ago. Why else would I have said that about the Flash."

Tony- "You... mmmmm. We need to get you back home."

Brooke- "I agree"

So that's the end of this chapter. It's kinda boring I know but you gotta bear with me this is my first book.

Give me some ideas for next chapter because I don't know what to do.

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