melinda may - naughty

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i'm only 3/4 of the way through season 1 so take that as you will when reading this i suppose. may just has me in a chokehold and i wanted to write something

smut | fem reader (just wanna say, sub reader, warning for degradation, BDSM??/being tied up, it's a whole lot of domination so if you're not comfortable with that, DONT READ!!!)

may was tough, emotionless, cold towards others, she would always be bossing everyone around and controlling the situation. it's not like anyone was opposed to it because she was a good leader and did know what she was doing. but you love to piss her off, it's hot, her dominance. if it were anyone else, may would kick them off the team and/or suspend them from missions but she liked you.

she liked the way you wore tight clothes, subtly showing off your figure, she liked how bratty you were, gave her a chance to put someone in there place, she liked your flirting over comms, and when having sex with ward, she'd think of you at her fingertips.

it was later at night, everyone had just returned from a mission and was hanging out at the bar on the bus, except for may, she was piloting. you were wearing a tight two piece and were planning on dedicating your night to bothering may.

you slowly walk to the cockpit, adjusting your shirt. nerves overwhelming you, stomach tightening, you think to yourself, "i can't- i shouldn't do this, this won't end well." you're just standing at the door, hand on the handle, contemplating whether you should enter. "y/n." you hear may's voice and your breath hitches, you don't have a choice anymore, you have to enter.

you open the door slowly in hopes that you can build confidence before your eyes fall on may. confused, you question, "how did you know i was out there?" she's just facing ahead, driving the plane, "lucky guess i suppose." you don't push. you walk over to the passenger seat and may sees your figure out of her peripheral vision, "you look like a slut." you scoff and smirk, thinking of what you could say back to her vulgar remark, "only for you agent may." you're proud of yourself, she shifted in her seat, not expecting you to say such thing.

she's stuck with you until the plane lands so you take advantage of the control. you cross your legs and start rambling, "yknow may, you should get laid, loosen up. when was the last time you had a pleasing sexual experience?" you didn't know her and ward were getting it on behind doors and so you kept pushing, "i bet your boring in bed." you knew that wasn't true but the more pissed off she gets, the better. "you wouldn't know y/n," she replies. you take the opportunity, "why don't you show me." she scoffs but not in a playful way, "absolutely not. this is inappropriate agent y/l/n." you stand up and make your way to behind her chair. placing your hands on her shoulders, rubbing slowly, she doesn't stop you, "you're tense." may couldn't help herself but let the thoughts wonder of the things she could do to you. she's breathing heavily as you massage her muscles, occasionally her hair would fall in the way and you would slowly brush it out of the way.

a couple minutes pass and may finally speaks, "we'll be landing soon. you should buckle up. and i was wondering if you'd like to see my place, seeing as you think i'm boring." you smirk, "yes please melinda, prove me wrong." mission accomplished.

we land and may unbuckles, getting up and walking over to the door, hips swaying swiftly. she locks the door and walks back over to you, spinning the chair 90 degrees to face her she leans over you and whispers in your ear, "you don't know what you've just gotten yourself into." you bite your lip as she just hovers over you, staying there near your ear, she stands back up. "come."

15 minutes later, may is pulling the car into her driveway. her house is modern with lots of black accents, it's nice, it's clean, organized. she offers you a glass of water and you take it gratefully. may leans against her kitchen counters watching you drink the water, "so y/n, what are your intentions." you place the water down and respond mischievously, "no intentions, just thought you were going to give me a tour of your not boring house unless you meant something else." she's keeping eye contact with you, not sure how to proceed and then she finally breaks the silence, "you're confident. i like that. let me show you around then y/n."

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