❁ Chapter ❁

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Delilah stayed in her room all afternoon with her knees bundled up to her chest.

Why does everything bad always have to happen to her?

'If only my baby was here. Everything would be so much better with him next to me.' She thought.

Knocking was heard at her door making her slightly flinch.

"Come on Dee let's go eat something together. I want to gossip with you."

Something about Pansy just made her feel happier. She couldn't really explain it but if it wasn't for her she would be so much worse right now.

With a sniffle she pressed her feet on the ground, coldness shooting up her feet.

A smile lit Pansy's face when she saw the brunette girl open the door gently.

She wrapped her arms around her comfortingly and rested her head in the crook of her neck.

"I'm so glad you're ok Dee.."

Delilah just smiled softly and pulled away, gripping her hand reassuringly.

They both walked downstairs to the kitchen as she continued to try to make her smile more.

"Oh my god! I can't believe I haven't introduced you to everyone!"

Delilah just shrugged and reached for a loft house cookie from the package that Pansy opened.

"So the brunette is Theodore Nott, the handsome one is Blaise-" She continued as she blew air out at the mention of Blaise.

"The brunette girl is Astoria- she's really nice once you get to know her, and the blonde one is Daphne as you may know."

Pansy scoffed as she thought about the blonde bimbo.

"Nobody likes her though. She's a real pain in the arse. She's always following Draco around like a lost puppy."

She was guessing Draco was Malfoy since he was the only one she didn't mention.

"They only hooked up one time and now she doesn't leave him alone. Talk about having some self respect. "

Delilah rested her forearms on the table with a growing smile on her face as she listened to Pansy ramble on.


Sniffles walked into the kitchen searching around the new environment.

His eyes landed on hers making him sprint towards her happily.

"Oh my god Sniffles!"

He just rubbed himself on her and meowed loudly as she smothered him in kisses.

'Who brought him here?' She thought as she pressed her forehead against his wit ha big smile on her face.

"Who's this cute little fur ball?"

Pansy walked next to her as Delilah brought her hands out, letting her carry him.

Sniffles hopped into her arms just like he did to hers and purred.

'Never had he been so quick to friend someone'. She thought as she watched the scene in front of her.

He suddenly stopped and hopped from Pansy's arms, running towards the figure entering the kitchen.

Draco bent down and picked him up, rubbing his head up and down gently.

Of course he was the one that brought him here. He even bonded with the little guys on his way.

Shock was present on Delilah's features as she connected eyes with him.

"I already fed him with the food you had in the cabinet. Here."

He handed her a bag filled with the rest of the food and dropped Sniffles to the floor.

The kitchen stayed silent as he walked away, Pansy's shocked voice breaking it.

"Was Draco Malfoy just- nice to you?



Sniffles is finally back. He was not dying on my watch even though he didn't eat for two days.


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