❁ Chapter 10 ❁

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The two giggling girls walked in with multiple bags in each hand.

At first they didn't notice all of the ruckus going around until Pansy looked around.

She nudged Delilah's arm, her head turning the same direction as hers as a fuming Draco gave orders around.

His powerful yells made the walls tremble as they both stood at the door.

Theodore was the fist one that saw him. He gulped and whispered in Draco's ear that they were right behind them.

It wasn't until Draco turned around that she knew they were utterly fucked.

If she didn't die today then something was definitely wrong.

Anger was clear on his face as he stomped towards them, his face slightly red.

"Where the fuck were you?"

The whole room went silent at his question as they waited for him to lash out.

"Did I say you could go out?"

She couldn't get words out as her eyes moved throughout the room aware of all of the eyes on her.

He suddenly turned around and spoke low but threateningly.

"Give us the room."

One brave guy dared to speak against him.

"But sir this is the main area where do you expect us to go?"

A growl escaped Draco's lips as he pulled out his gun and pointed it at him from across the room.

"When I tell you to do something you do it. Whether you like it or not."

The man nodded his head as he kept his eyes on the gun.

"Now get out before I kill every single one of you."

Everyone scrambled out hurriedly, Pansy leaving with a scowl on her face.

He turned back to her with insane eyes as he got closer to her.

"I'm going to ask you again. Did I say you could leave the house?"

She grew bold as she spit back at him with the same tone.

"I have the right to do whatever I want. You can't keep me trapped in here forever."

He chuckled dryly and got closer to her face his eyes looking her up and down.

"Oh yeah?"

In the blink of an eye the gun was pressed on the middle of her forehead.

"You do some shit like this again and I'll be glad to watch the life slip from your eyes."

Just as he was about to remove the gun, she had to open her mouth.

"Alright. Do it."

Breathing shakily, his face darkened at her request.

He clicked the safety off and pushed it harder against her forehead.

Her head was now forced against the wall as she looked into his eyes with a taunting stance.

"Come on Draco.."

He almost flinched at the mention of his first name coming out of her mouth.

"You said you were going to do it to me two seconds ago so do it. Shoot me.

She pressed her forehead harsher onto the gun as she kept eye contact with him.

His eyes stayed focused on hers with a blank look as she gritted her teeth.

"Do it you fucking-"

Her words were cut off as his lips crashed against hers.

Fireworks exploded through her body as she kept her lips still.

She shouldn't be wanting to kiss him but she couldn't help but move her lips along with his.

Anger was shared in the kiss as he pushed her head impossibly deeper into the wall.

Desperation was an emotion that she felt them share as well. She could tell he has been wanting this from all of the force he put on her.

He bit her bottom lip roughly, a gasp escaping her as he sucked on her lip.

He took the opportunity of her mouth open and slipped his tongue inside of her mouth.

They both roamed each other's mouth as they heavily kissed, their taste on each other's tongue. 

She tasted so sweet- like honey while he tasted like soft mint.

As corny as it sounds, she was the honey to his mint tea.

And together they made a perfect blend.

They separated their lips to catch their breaths, his forehead resting against hers.

Her eyes widened as she noticed what she just did.

'Oh shit- I completely made out with my kidnapper who was about to kill me!' She thought with panic.

She slipped past him as his eyes followed her every move.

The first thought that appeared on her mind was Pansy. She definitely can't tell her.

She ran up the stairs, her hand twisting the knob to her room and quickly shutting it.

"Oh my god you guys kissed didn't you!"

A small scream broke through her throat as she turned around, Pansy's eyes wide with her mouth open in shock.

"N-no it's not what you think you see-"

She tried to make a good lie but she just tumbled over her words.

A small smile was on Pansy's face as she watched her ramble on.

"Come on you Dee can't lie to me. Besides your swollen lips was what gave it away."

Blood rushed to her cheeks as she bit her lip nervously, wincing when she chomped down on the exact spot that was already cut.

"I knew you guys would make out soon enough. Theodore owes me my money."

Delilah paced around the room as she ran her hands through her hair.

"You don't get it Pans he literally took me from my home! I can't make out with the person who took me away!"

A groan escaped Pansy's lips as she nodded her head against the bed in acknowledgment.

"Ouch that's true. But he's been acting weird since you've arrived."

Huffing in frustration, she threw herself in the bed next to the one person that helped her through everything.

"Thank you for being here for me.." Delilah said with a small smile.

With a grin she turned her head to the brunette and kissed her cheek multiple times.

"I love you Pans."

"I love you more Dee."



If Pansy out of nowhere appeared in front of me I would give her the biggest kiss like no joke 😼


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