INFP:diligently ignores problem until it's too big to manage
ESTJ:'exactly like I say, or else'
ISFP:Lists and lists and lists and lists...
ESFJ:vocalizes everything they're doing
ISFJ:🎶move b*tch, get out the way🎶
ENTP:too interested by the options to do anything
ISTJ:cool headed, but harsh like ice
ENFP:heart rate over 9000000
(as an ENFP I find this accurate)INTP:never does anything despite completely understanding the problem
ENTJ:step aside or get crushed underfoot
ISTP:Nothing like a full-blown crisis to get back into the zone
ENFJ:assumes responsibility and approaches with logic
INFJ:adrenaline rush or complete paralize
ESTP:acts first, figures out later
INTJ:devises a universal system to resolve the problem for all time
ESFP:needs space to figure things out