06: I would rather...

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"If it isn't the Gilmore twins."


The Gilmore twins were surprised by how uneventful the rest of their week at Chilton was. They attended all seven of their classes, each one as intense as the last. They were forced to stand up at the start of each class while the teacher introduced them to the rest of the students. Then at the end of each class their teacher would give them a binder that weighed more than they did.

By the end of each day the Gilmore twins would slowly walk over to the bus stop, being weighed down by the many items in the backpack. Then on Thursday the twins were pulled aside and told that they needed to participate in a group sport.

Now it was Friday and the twins were currently sitting at a lunch table, alone... well with each other. They hadn't really put much effort into the whole making friends thing. They had each other, in their minds that's all they needed.

"I'm terrible at sports," Rory groaned as she used the fork to play with the salad on her plate.

"I know."

"You aren't helping."

"I know," Cassie looked up at her sister with a smile.

"God there's like a thousand things on this list," Rory said, looking down at the list of team sports that Mrs. James from administration gave them that morning. "Lacrosse, softball, track-"

"It's like they think we're athletic," Cassie laughed.

"You are athletic," Rory reminded her.

Cassie tilted her head, a smile forming on her face. "Oh, right. But you're still screwed."

"Not helping."

"I know."

Cassie laughed quietly before taking a bite of her sandwich. She looked over at her sister, noticing that something caught her attention. Cassie turned around and watched as Joshua Dawson and Tristan Dugray walked into the cafeteria.

All the girls turned their heads to look at the two boys. Cassie couldn't help but shake her head at the two of them. She and Rory watched as Tristan smiled at a couple of the girls but Josh, he didn't seem to notice the attention he was given. Yet somehow the fact that he gave none of the girls made them want him even more.

"He seemed so perfectly normal when I first talked to him," Cassie said quietly, "But then in record time he turned into a..."

"A Ladies' man?"

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