07: chilton failures

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"I'm gonna kill her one day."


Rory and Cassidy Gilmore have always been the smartest girls in their class. They'd often compete against each other for the number one spot, whoever won bought their coffee for a month. It was fun for them, some competition that made their days interesting, but that was all at Stars Hollow High. Not at Chilton.

At Chilton the twins were still the new girls who were just barely hanging on. They were still so busy playing catch up that they were struggling to keep up with the new material. The Gilmore Girls were no longer the smartest girls in their class, they had real competition.

The girls were sitting in their English class, learning about Shakespeare from their teacher Max Medina. He was currently handing back their most recent essay, watching as smiles or frowns appeared on his students' faces when they saw their grades.

"Decent effort by most, great effort by some, exceptional effort by two," Mr. Medina said as he passed out the papers. "Miss Geller... Miss Grant," He handed the two girls their papers, smiles appearing on both their faces. "Miss Gilmore," both twins looked up but his eyes were on Rory, "Take these home. Learn from your mistakes."

Rory looked shocked when she saw the red markings on her paper. Cassie leaned to the side trying to see what it said but before she could Mr. Medina placed a paper on her desk. "Miss Gilmore... Look at the large red circles around various parts of your papers as friendly reminders that to error is human and that here at Chilton we try to beat that humanity right out of you."

Rory and Cassie were both too shocked by what was on their papers to listen to Mr. Medina. They were the stars of their class, they had never received a grade lower than an A minus. Now here they were, Rory with a D, and Cassie with a C minus.

"Okay. Next up, the test- the dreaded test. Shakespeare-" Mr. Medina pointed to the portrait they had hanging up on the class wall, "- the man we've been droning on about for the last three weeks- finally comes back to haunt us on Friday. This is a big one my friends- multiple choice with an essay section that will count for 20% of your grade this semester. Don't be fooled by my kind face and charming personality. This test will be hard, and there will be no makeup." The bell rang, ending that class period. "Refer to the study material I gave you at the start of the month and those extensive notes I know you've been taking."

The two Gilmores packed up slowly, they both had this pit in their stomach that they've never felt before. Every time they looked down at their paper, at their grade, they felt... they felt like failures. All Rory wanted to do was crawl into a hole and never come out but Cassie, she felt angry. She wanted to punch a wall and curse out Mr. Medina even though she knew he was one the best teachers she had at the moment.

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