Angel - Chapter 1

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He took my lunch.
That boy just took my lunch.
I don't even care about that stupid sandwich and that stupid chocolate bar, but I know why he took my lunch.
I know why everyone stares at me when walking in the hallway.
I know why they whisper and turn their backs when they see me and I know why they don't when Bavar is with me.
This never happens when Bavar is with me. When we're together we stare straight back and whisper about them when they're not watching.
Bavar is tall and that makes him intimidating.
I'm short and petite and you wouldn't look twice if you saw me in the streets.
I used to make snappy remarks whenever I heard what they said, or I would sneer at them when they spread lies. Sometimes I would spread lies about us, just so it would be me who made them and not someone else who knew nothing.
     I don't anymore.
At least not when Bavar isn't here.
It just feels like there isn't much point. The extra adrenaline you get when you're with someone isn't there.
The truth is, if it was just me, they would barely notice I'm there, but Bavar tends to draw attention.
They call him a freak.
A freak.
Sweet, innocent, kind Bavar, who wouldn't hurt a fly.
They could care less about me, but I'm Bavar's friend.
So then I must be a freak too.

I try to ignore them and hide away where Bavar and I usually have our lunch, but on the way there someone catches my attention.
"You know, they say Bavar was really violent in his previous schools and that's why he appeared in the middle of the semester, since he was transferred quietly." Some girls are drinking Boba and gossiping, like girls do.
"Don't be ridiculous. That is so unrealistic!",
"How else do you explain those scars he had on his first day? Looked like a pretty violent fight to me.",
"I guess that's true..",
"I bet he threatened Angel to be friends with him",
I'm certain they saw me and are trying to get under my skin. I decide it would probably be smart to just walk away.
"What a monster..",
I stop dead in my tracks.
Before I even had time to think, I wizzed around and pushed the girl onto the ground.
My eyes sharpen to splinters and I'm sure I look terrifying.
I hope I look terrifying.
"No one calls Bavar a monster", my voice is dangerously low and I'm glad to see the utter disbelief in her eyes, "no one."
She slowly nods and I walk away.
They don't deserve my attention, but they always get it.
Because I hate it when they talk about him like that.
I hate it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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