19 | Annexed

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The Palace

"What do you mean you're stepping up to the throne a few months earlier?" Taehyung questioned, his mind frying up with questions. 

"As I've just mentioned, my dad is sick. He's retiring early because he's too weak to continue as King," Jungkook lowered his head.

Taehyung breathed out air he didn't realise he held, "is this why you've been basically missing"

Jungkook nodded, "I've been in training, I'm actually starting to feel ready to be King."

This made Taehyung raise and eyebrow.

"When do you become King?" He asked, watching the Prince sigh.

"The date hasn't been cleared yet, still waiting," he responsed.

Taehyung nodded, a sigh leaving his own lips, "I've missed you."

"And I've missed you too, and I'm sorry that I haven't been able to speak to you at all lately," the Prince apologised.

The older male nodded, "my uncle has been threatening me," Taehyung admitted.

"What?" Jungkook gasped.

"Nothing to worry about, don't make it a big deal. Namjoon already wants to fucking kill him," Taehyung basically begged.

Jungkook huffed, "why tell me if you don't want me to make it a big deal or it's nothing to worry about?"

"Because you're about to become King of for Christ's sake, you have more important things to worry about," Taehyung explained himself.

The Prince rubbed the space in between his eyes and sighed.

"If I get a word in for when I become King, I'll probably put it off and stick to the original plan," he said.

Taehyung nodded, "whatever you believe is best, go for it."

You see, Jungkook wanted to stick with the original plan.

He obviously didn't realise what was about to come.

Japan decided to take over Korea for once and for all.

After years, and years, of on-going wars and a lot of intimidation, Korea was put under the name of Japan.

This meant that Kingdoms would fall.

"What?!" Jungkook yelled as his General told him the news.

"Korea has been annexed by the Empire of Japan. We're now under the title of Japan, meaning, we must start speaking Japanese and not Korean," General Kim explained.

"Are you joking?!" Jungkook groaned.

General Kim shook his head, "our School's curriculums will be changing, if we don't change it, we'll be thrown into a jail cell, no matter our Royalty."

Not only that, but Japan also decided to destroy a lot of Korea's historic documents, wiping the history of the country.

"Japanese citizens will also be travelling here to Korea, our Kingdom included. We must follow their orders, as if they're the superiority even if they're a commoner," General Kim had continued.

The soon-to-be King yelled again, when will it end?


authors note :

short little chapt because i needed to get it out because it's been a while since the last chapter.

all of this to do with japan is 100% facts, it's all real.

the amount of research i have put into this story, sheesh.

please look forward to more chapters, idk how long they'll take, i'm doing important exams right now.

i thank you for your patience <3

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