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Hey...I dont know what to say...this is a modern AU? They are like............17..........I'm making this up as I go ok? Also I KNOW IM STILL WORKING ON ANOTHER FANFICTION BUT I LITERALLY LOVE THIS IDEA TO MUCH SO UH THATS GONNA COME OUT A LITTLE SLOWER IM SORRY. Enjoy!❤️❤️❤️
It was a pretty cold day, especially for mid summer. I sat at the table reading a book and drinking my usual black tea. My mom put her nice clothes on and did her hair which means shes meeting with a client. She never really told me what her job is but I know.
I hate her job. Not only could she get herself hurt or kidnapped, she spends most of our money on nice clothes for when she goes out. We aren't wealthy, we live in the middle of the woods so she shouldn't be spending our money on clothes and jewelry. I can't say anything though, she is my mother.

"I'll be back around-"

   Mom smiled, and laughed a little before speaking once again. "Nice work. I'm sure you know what's for dinner then?"


"Yep. I'll see you tonight if your still awake."

"I will be."

"I love you, see you later."

    She sighed and left the house. The door creaked shut. That old thing really needs to be replaced, it's so loud.
(Meanwhile, hange)
   I stormed out of my room and slammed the door behind me. "MOM!"

"Yes sweetie?"

"Where are my science notebooks?!"

"Oh I threw them away."


"Hange, you had to many of those notebooks they were all over your floor! And they were just messy notes with drawing about random stuff you found outside."

"What part of I want to be a naturalist do you not understand mom?!"

"You should be looking for a real job, like a doctor! With that brain of your it will be easy."

"Ugh you say that every time!"
   I ran to the trash can and rigged through it until I found the notebooks. They were covered in liquid, completely ruined. "Did you...rip them...?"

"That was your brother."


"Language, hange! I tried stopping him."


"Hange Zoe!"

   I threw all my ruined notebooks in a bag and ran out of my house, but first I sneakily took around $50 from my moms purse. I'm going to buy as many notebooks as I can with this and try to transfer all this stuff. All that progress ruined...I've been working on these for years.
I don't need to getting 16 notebooks, they were pretty cheap. I originally had 10 but this will have to do. "That'll be $45.25."

"Hm...can I add these 2 chocolate bars?"

"That's your choice."


"49.85 please."
   I paid the man and left the store. That guy seemed like he hates his job, I feel bad for him.
  I really don't want to go home. If my step dad finds out about me yelling at mom like that, he will most definitely hit me. I hate him so much, he is no replacement for my real dad. And my mom just sits by when he hits me and my sister, his stupid son is no better.
  Good thing she's at school right now, I can go straight to the tree house without getting her. If I'm not there to beat he targets my sister.
  I ran out into the woods in our background to the old abandoned tree house. I didnt build it, its been there for as long as I've been going out here.
  I climbed up the ladder and threw my 2 bags of notebooks and chocolates up there. I accidentally missed the enterance of the treehouse and threw them back on the forest ground. Geez, I'm an idiot. I grabbed them and climbed back up, actually making it this time. I sat down on the hard wooden floor, and opened one of my chocolates as I started to try and copy the ripped up notes onto the new notebooks.
(Back to Levi)
   I finally got bored of what I was reading and closed the book. I looked up at the clock, 1:00pm. I then looked outside, it's a nice day. I stepped on to my porch and felt the slight win blow through my hair.
  I saw a bush move slightly in the distance, then a yell. "Ow, shit!"
   I then heard fast footsteps running from where I heard the yell. Weird. People don't usually come out here. I went out to investigate the noise, and saw footsteps and a sudden small crater-ish shape. She must have fallen.
   I followed the trail until it lead to my old treehouse that I built with my mom years ago. Wow, I forgot this place existed. I debated climbing up the ladder for a minute. But when I saw the footprints still going past the treehouse I decided to climb up and see how the place is doing.
   When I got up there I met eyes with a woman, a messy brown ponytail and a crooked dirty pit of glasses. We made eye contact for only a moment, then I climbed back down pretending I didn't see her. "Wait come back!"
   I made it back on the ground and started walking back to my house.  "Wait!!"
  I sighed and stopped walking, then looked back at her. "What?"

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