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I looked at myself in the mirror, debating if I should dress up a bit more or if my sweatshirt and black jeans will do.
We are just going to the arcade, and it's not like this is a date. We are just hanging out. It's fine.
   I looked out my window for a second, looking to see if anyone was there, and spotted a bundle of flowers in the grass.
   I feel the need to go and grab them for hange, but like I said it's not like this is a date. But she would probably really like them...hange seems like the type to enjoy flowers. She did write a lot about them.
   I decided against it, it's sappy and weird. That's stuff married people do.
   I got lost in the thought of marrying her, it was just a small little slip up in my brain at first but now it's a whole situation...imagining her in a wedding dress, wow.
   I stepped outside, seeing hange's car at the start of the driveway. I looked at the flowers one more time and grabbed them without really thinking it through.             
   I just hope she likes them. "Hey Lev!i"
  After she parked she got out and walked over to greet me. "I picked these for you because I know you like flowers and nature..."

"Thanks! That's sweet!"
I gave her the flowers and she gave me a quick hug in return. I hope uncle Kenny isn't home, if he saw that he'd probably think I'm weak.
"I bet you can't beat me at air hockey!"

"Yeah right. I will destroy you."

"Just so you know, i was labeled champion back in middle school."

"Mhm. Is that all you were known for?"

"Basically yes...but whatever! Come on!"

First round, 7:0
Second round, 7:1
Third round, 7:0
"That was all beginners luck...another round!"

"You've said last every round."

"How are you that good?"

"I don't know. Naturally gifted I guess."

"Let's do something else."
Hange guided me throughout the arcade, looking at each thing we passed. I've never been here before so I just let her lead the way. "Ooh a claw machine! I'm pretty good at these!"
Hange had her eye on a stuffed tabby cat. She inserted a few tokens into the machine, and the music started to play.
She moved the claw over to the cat and pressed the button. It missed by a few inches, coming up empty. "Damnit! So close!"

"Want some advice?"


"After you get the claw where you want it, make sure to check all sides. And then wait a few seconds so that the claw isn't shaking, it messes up where the claw lands."

"Thanks, I'll try that!"
Hange did as I instructed, this time actually getting what she wanted. She bent down and picked it up, visibly proud of her accomplishment. "Cool! Your pretty smart, Levi!"

After a few hours of messing around, we got bored of the place. We played basically every game, and won a lot of prizes. "I think we should head home now. It's starting to snow, I don't want to drive in heavy snow."

   Hange held my hand as we walked to her car. She looked really happy, that's good. Whenever hange has a genuine smile I feel a lot better. Her forced smiles worry me.
"Thanks for hanging out with me, Levi. It was fun!"

"No problem. I had a good time as well..."

"Still no smile? I don't think I've seen you smile yet."

"Maybe one day."

"I'm pretty impatient, I don't know if I can wait! I bet your smile is super cute!"

"I don't smile that much so you'll have to earn it."

"You're a bad boyfr-...friend."

"Oh? What was that slip up?"

"Nothing! I gotta go now bye!"

"Four eyes."

"It's really starting to snow pretty bad haha..."

"Whatever. See ya."

"See ya!"
Hange gave me another quick hug before leaving. I want her to stay longer...whatever, I've already been with her for hours. I have to stop being so clingy.
I watched her get in her car and leave. I sighed and walked into my house.

An: sorry this chapter is short. Also next chapter is the last one sorry I just don't know what to write anymore.

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