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Namjoon's pov

"I'm so sorry this is just all crazy, I was not expecting this," she says as I let out a light laugh. "Please go explore if you'd like I don't mind." She gets up and looks at the different Kaws I have on my shelves she reaches out to touch one but she holds back and shakes her head no at herself. "You can touch it if you'd like, most are broken by the hands of you can probably guess." I signal to myself as she starts laughing, picks one up, and examines it. "Why does that not surprise me one bit Mr. God of Destruction." I act like I am offended but we both start laughing.

She keeps exploring my studio as I start up my computer to check my email and look through my folder at old versions of songs and ask her if she wants me to play them. I hear a soft yes and hit play and my speakers start to play Serendipity but the version I did. I try to change it till I feel a soft hand on mine stopping me "Please don't change it, I like this version." She quickly lets go of my hand with a blush and walks back to the couch I smile to myself as she sits down on the couch and looks at her phone. I go back to looking at my emails as well as rearranging my folders of different drafts and ideas for new songs. 

I would love to show her songs I am working on and ones that are finished but not published yet, but I don't think Yoongi Hyung would be happy, and neither would the company. After a while, I get up and let y/n know I will be right back, and I excuse myself from the room. 

y/n's pov

Namjoon excuses himself and leaves me in his room by myself. After a minute or two the phone rings but I just ignore it, until the rings over 5 times in the next 3 minutes. Damn who is trying to get ahold of this man. I slowly get up and answer the phone "um, hello?" I say in a deep voice, that is not very convening. "Namjoon can you come to m- wait this is not Joon, who is this?" Crap it's Yoongi. I keep up the act as much as I can, "I have no clue what you are talking about, this is Namjoon" "Not buying it, who the hell is this and what are you doing in his studio?" I stare at his Kaws trying to think of an excuse but sigh in defeat.

"It-It's y/n, the girl from the vlive..." He laughs to himself. "You know that was not a convincing Joon impression, it sucked bad." I roll my eyes "Don't have to rub it in I didn't want him to get in trouble." "Yea yea, just let him know he is needed in the Genius Lab in like 20 minutes tops, thanks" and hangs up the call.  As I put the phone down Namjoon comes in and looks at me confused. "What are you doing by the phone?"

"Yoongi called, he said you're needed in the Genius Lab" I laugh to myself after referring to his studio as the Genius lab and not just Yoongi's studio. "Well then let's go see Yoongi then" He smiles and offers his hand to me and I gladly take it as we leave his studio. 

Word Count: 581

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