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Namjoon's pov

When y/n leaves the car, it feels empty and lonely. I sit and stare out the window and think about the amazing day I had, I got to meet someone that I have just been talking to through a screen the entire time. As we get closer to the dorm, I hear a ding from my phone and pull it out to see who it is. I smile when I see that it was y/n that texted me.

y/n💕🤫 : Hey sorry to bother you but I believe you still have my textbook

Me: You're right! I am so sorry, I can have the driver turn around if you need it tonight

y/n💕🤫: No it's okay, gives me more of an excuse to see you again

y/n💕🤫: I am so sorry that was uncalled for

Me: Not at all! It was cute, to say the least. You can come back here if you'd like, I'll make sure Han knows you are coming this time.

y/n💕🤫: Sure how does 12 sound? I don't have any classes tomorrow

Me: That sounds great I will be done with dance practice by then and you can hang with me as I edit songs :)

y/n💕🤫: Sounds like a plan I will see you then Joonie

Me: I like the nickname! See you then cutie

I mentally cringe at the nickname I gave her, was that really a smart move. It had to be too early to give her a nickname, but she gave me one, so it had to be okay, right? I shake my head knowing I am overthinking things, and then look down at her textbook smiling. She did have a point, I did get to see her again tomorrow, maybe she will even stay and hang out with me again. All of a sudden I feel the van stop, I thank the driver before getting out and going into the building, then the elevator. I take said elevator up to our dorm, but when the door opens I am greeted by Jungkook. 

"There you are, I didn't think y/n college was that far, what they heck happened." I laugh at his conclusion as we both walk to the living room where the others are. "No Kook, after dropping her off I waited at a museum for y/n to finish her class and then picked her up and dropped her off at her apartment." He looks at me before smirking "You are so whipped for that girl hyung" Jungkook says as some of the members in the living room laugh and I slightly blush. 

"Kookie has a point Joon, you seem to really like her, I have never see you like this around a girl." Jin says but Yoongi interrupts, "But we are never near girls anyway hyu- ow what the fuck" Jin elbows Yoongi before smiling back at me and I laugh. I shake my head and sit down with the book in my lap. "What is that Joon?" Hobi asks as he signals to the book. "Oh y/n left it in the van so she has to come tomorrow around 12 after practice and pick it up." They all look at me and smile weirdly, they have been acting weirder than usual since I got here.

 I stand up and start to go to my room, "Imma go to my room you all are acting weird." I go to my room and put my bag down along with the book near the door so I do not forget it tomorrow. I sit on my bed and think more about today, and how happy I was, was it because y/n was by my side. What am I saying I can't like her, I just met her. She wouldn't even like me that way, sure I was her bias, but that is different than liking someone. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. I hum to myself as I slowly drift off to sleep.


Knock Knock "Hey Hyung dinner is ready" I hear Tae from the other side of my door. I sigh as I slowly get up from my bed and waddle out of the room, down the stairs, and to the kitchen table. The busy nature of Yoongi getting the table ready and Jin cooking wakes me up and before I know it dinner is ready and on the table. We wait for everyone to sit down before we start eating. A few minutes into eating and small talk later Yoongi speaks up. "So have you kissed her yet" I choke on my food at his statement. After I calm down I look at him " What they hell Hyung!" He look at me confused, "What it was just a question" 

"One, I just met her today outside of a screen and two, I don't even like her like that!" Jin then starts laughing after that, "That last statement was a lie and you know know it Joon, we see the way you are around her!" "I agree with Hyung, you might not know it but you like her," Jimin says. I sit there and think about their words for a second, did I like her? I mean the way she treats me like a human being and not an idol, and the way her soft hand feels in mine, and the cute blush she has when she is shy. I could go on about things I love about her but do I like her. "I think you're right Hyung," they all stop eating and look at me, and as I look at Jin he gives me the biggest smile.

"I like y/n"

Word Count: 941




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