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Zayn was pacing around in his office, biting his nails nervously. Louis, his baba and dad were also here with him.

His eyes were filled with unshed tears. But Zayn refused to cry. He had always been a proud alpha. The only few times he did show his emotions were always with Liam.

Liam. His mate whom he loved with his whole heart, his whole soul, his whole life, had disappeared from his life.

He didn't even hug Liam properly the last time they were together. Zayn was busy pampering his little one when he was about to get into the car for his journey to London.

It was a hurried hug and a quick kiss, mumbling a quite 'I love you Jaan'. If the alpha had known that would be the last time he'd say anything to his mate, he would've done all of that with more passion and love.

He stopped in front of the window and looked over at the full moon. Beautiful memories with his mate flashed in front of his eyes and he felt like daggers were being pierced through his broken heart.

He closed his eyes, holding back the tears that threatened to fall from his hazel eyes and stroked his mark lightly. He tried to regulate his breathing. But it was a damn hard task when his head was throbbing with pain, he could literally feel the sadness that Liam felt.

After all that him and Liam have been through, he had never thought that this day would come when his Omega is not by his side.

After Zaina told him about everything that happened yesterday with Liam, the alpha didn't really know how to react. He loved his sister dearly, but what she did was unforgivable.

She tricked not only Liam but their whole family. The family that had been waiting for her for all these years, the family that didn't waver their support for her when other pack members mocked her, the family that would always be ready to face anything and everything for her.

Zayn was not only angry, he was beyond pissed off.

His mate was kidnapped. And his own sister was an accomplice in it.

Liam was the one who supported Zaina through her tough time. Liam was the one in whom she had confided with her deepest secrets. If she considered him such an important person in her life, then why did she stab him on the back like this?

The alpha wanted to curse his sister and banish her the moment she confessed the truth. But deep inside the love he has for his elder sibling didn't let him do it. That's why with no other way to refrain himself from bursting out, he had left the house.

All the more, he couldn't handle his little pup's continuous cries. Zamaan was more attached to Liam. Zayn sometimes teased him that their pup would be a mumma's boy. And Liam would first scold Zayn for teasing their pup and then shake his head at the alpha while that beautiful and pretty smile of his, would be playing on his lips.

A sudden emptiness had filled his chest. He felt like his throat was dry and parched. Breathing evenly was the last thing in his mind, the worry for his mate was far more important than anything right now.

His son's painful sobs still echoed in his ears. He couldn't bring himself to even care if Zamaan was well, the only one who clouded his thoughts was his mate.

"Zayn, I need you to get yourself together. You acting like a nervous wreck right now isn't helping anyone" Geoff said as he stood up from the chair.

"I want to attack right now, but Baba is the one who is stopping me"

Once the alpha was out of his parents' house, he got into his car and aimlessly drove into the night. He didn't know where he was driving, but when he had stopped his car, he was in front of the ministry.

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