Yours | Boscha X Reader

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Im not too familiar with this character so sorry if I mess something up, you have every right to politely criticize me smh, Also I'm doing first person POV now because its easier! Ciao :)

Ahh yes, another morning at Hexside's School Of Magic or whatever they called it nowadays. I walked down the halls casually, I was in the F/C track, and my next class was supposed to start in, what, 10-15 minutes? I decided to pass the time by looking for my friends group.

They were definitely.. Interesting to say the least, they were kind of jerks in a way, but they liked me for some reason. Especially Boscha, Boscha was a jerk to everyone except for me (well she had her moments but it wasn't a too too common occurrence). I never understood what made me so special to her, what I did, what I said. Not saying I want to get bullied, but it was odd.

She keeps complimenting me, and saying all of these weird things and its messing with my brain in a way, but I also kinda like it? She just has this way about her..

"Hey squirt!!" A voice jeered, I got snapped out of my thoughts when I saw a big toothy lookin ogre standing in front of me, looking down at me with a smirk on his face. Gadget Francine. He was..a bully, put it that way. "Whatcha thinkin bout? You were getting all flustered, it was cute, and kind of gross." He said, raising his eyebrow at me but keeping that stupid smug smirk.

"I wasn't getting flustered!" Was i? "Im just..mad! At the thought of you!" Titan what was that? He let out a deep laugh. "Yeah sure, lets get to the point shall we?" He said, pulling out a dagger, I gulped, taking a few steps back. "Hey!! What are you doing with that?" I let out an oof when I realized that I walked back into one of his cronies, the other person quickly grabbed me and held me tightly, I tried squirming but it was no use.

"So..dont take this in the wrong way, but I'd appreciate it if you'd fork over some of your stuff..I really need it for a project." He said, walking towards me slowly, once he got close enough, he pressed the blade against my neck. "W-Wha..??? I- sure!! sure!!!" I cried out anxiously, id rather not have my throat slit today! The person behind me let me go, yanking my bag off of me. I frowned, my lunch was in there.. "Alright, lets see what we have here.." "HEY"

I turned around quickly, almost giving myself whiplash. And there she was, Boscha. "What are you doing with that dagger? And my friends bag?" She asked bluntly, shooting the ogre and his friend a piercing glare. Thank titan I was saved!

"She was just sharing, dont worry about it pinkie." The ogre said, not paying too much attention to the other girl. "Pinkie huh?" "Hah..yeAH-" Boscha quickly made a spell circle and blasted him away, his buddy looked around frantically, realizing his leader was gone, and quickly slipped away. I watched her in slight awe, as she went over, picked up my bag, and gave it to me. "Here, they didnt hurt you did they, because I swear to titan if they did-" She mumbled the last part, I grabbed my bag, smiling lightly at her. "No they didnt- but thank you." I said softly, averting my gaze awkwardly. Little did I know she was smiling as well.

"Good, no one is allowed to bully my (girl, boy, non binary pal, stick, idk?!?) but me." She said bluntly, I blushed a bit, but stopped when I heard more footsteps. "Heyy Y/n, Hey Boscha, what are you guys doing?" It was our friend group. "It doesn't matter." "Uh..alright, wanna hang out later?" One of the girls said, eyeing us curiously. "actually.. no, not today, I need to talk to Y/n about something." She said. "In private." All of a sudden the entire group started OO-ING, I looked down at the ground nervously, my face was burning at the moment. I glanced over at Boscha, she wasn't showing any embarrassment, how? All of a sudden I heard a scream. "Oh! The bell- I will uh..see you guys later!" I squeaked out, quickly running off into a different direction, or well, I was going to "Wait!" Boscha gripped my shoulder, stopping me. "Meet me under the bleachers at the Grudgby Field after lunch, alright hun?" She said quietly, before letting me go off to class.


Hun??? HUN!?? I kept repeating that one word in my head, god why did she make me feel so weird!! And why is her grip so strong!! Its terrifying! But, I did as she asked, I ate my lunch as quickly as possible, and went down to the grudgby field as quietly as possible, I made my way to the bleachers and found Boscha leaning against one of the pillars that held up the seats. "Ah, you made it." She said, eyeing me up and down.

"yeah! So...what was so important that we had to go underneath a bunch of seats to talk about?" I asked curiously, raising an eyebrow. "Hmm...this probably isnt the best time but I feel like I have to tell you at some point, and by some point, I mean now" She said, averting her gaze. "Then shoot."

"Yeah..I just wanted to say, that my parents don't know who you are, they only know the people in our friend group. But i..cant let them know about you. They would kill me if I did know about you, most likely make me push you away. Im supposed to be friends with the best, but..I don't think they are the best-" She said, slowly becoming more awkward as she went along, she let out a slightly agitated sigh.

"I just...Y/n you are the best, not saying that our friends are bad, but you really are the best, the bestest friend ive ever had- you're so sweet and kind and funny and I dont know what I would do if my parents found out about us, and made me leave you. You've become a part of me in a way." She said, looking down at her feet. "I..think I love you." I froze, all this for that? I snickered, and then began to laugh. She looked at me with this hurt look, which quickly shut me up.

"wait don't be upset- Im not mad- I just..that was alot of words for that little sentence.. Not saying I mind of course." I said, blushing bright red, but I didn't care, no one could see us. "Yeah..I suppose it was.." We both sat there in silence.




"I love you too." I said out of the blue, smiling at her. She looked at me in awe, before smiling back. "Didnt think I would ever hear those words come out of your mouth." She grinned. "Whelp! You were mistaken hun." I teased. "Oh shut up." "Never!!"

Idk this was kind of cute, 1213 words though broo, I hope you liked it!! <33

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