the plan starts and harrys task .

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As she woke up she noticed draco was not there . But she knew he probably had stuff to do like fix that stupid cabinet. So she got dressed and went to meet pansy and luna . Ginny summer and rain were busy handing out love candy to the heads of house's and sick candy to the staff .

Her outfit.

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As she walked into the great hall she saw Harry and she nodded for him to start there plan and he nodded back and stood up and walked out

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As she walked into the great hall she saw Harry and she nodded for him to start there plan and he nodded back and stood up and walked out . On his way he was stopped by pansy . My love please be careful. Pansy I love you and I know what needs done but don't worry I can get him to trust me with his most kept secrets. Without him touching me. How then he reached in his pocket and came out with a bag of candy . The old fool loves candy . He thinks we do things but really he is just talking . Your so smart baby . Pansy says as she kisses him and heads to the great hall .

With draco and blase . I hope those Weasley boys can pull this off draco if anyone can steal something unnoticed its them . I hope so we need that wand . And this one looks and acts like the elder but its fake that have yo swap them . Thay will.

Luna and pansy.
Pansy I am all out did you finish passing yours out . yes and that Bill Weasley never found a thing.
Well now we wait . Yes luna as long as the twins and Harry do there jobs we are safe .

As Harry entered the tower office of the headmaster he saw the distrust on the old man's face . Hello headmaster. Hello Harry I must say I don't like the path you have chosen. This girl is evil and should be put down like a bad dog . At this it took a lot for Harry not to kill him now . He loves her he now saw that all this man wants is power and uses people like pawns and there lives don't matter . Well I'm sorry you feel that way professor. I brought you a bit of candy you see I'm a spy do you think I would betray you . Let me check it . Of course Harry hands him the candy and smiles. He knew no spell can find the poison spell . The maker is too strong. Grundlewald had his uses. And with the spell done he popes the candy in his mouth. And froze waiting for a comand. So he called for Snape who was waiting outside.
Check him so Snape took his hand and checked him out .

He's ready ill leave you too it

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He's ready ill leave you too it . As fast as he came he left just as quick .
Good let's have fun .

He looked the old man in the eyes and asked whats the plan for the war

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He looked the old man in the eyes and asked whats the plan for the war . The old man had to tell the truth and as a tear rolled down his face he did . We will strike on Saturday and Evan if I die thay will be here at midnight that night to kill all pureblood children to end any more wars . With this Harry felt angry he almost had to watch her die his reason for being. Now you will sit hear for an hour then you jump out the window after eating this it will kill you quick when you deserve a slow death . With that his part was done and he had to get to class . So not to look out of place.

Withe twins .
Ok you lead magaonigal off and I will sneak in her office and switch the wands . Then we take the to the master and he will have the power he needs . Ok just keep a look out . Those goody grffendors are every were in this tower . Got it . With that George walks up to his old professor. Hello um I need your help . Well know that you have chosen to be a slitherin go ask Snape its about a painting that won't let me get my things from your tower to take to the new dorm . It says you need to let me in and that is the rule . You don't follow rules . Well this gives me no choice. So off thay went it was not a lie he did need her to get him in . As they walked off Fred ran in and switched it . And he ran to a floo in an empty class room and went straight to riddle manor . As he landed he saw Tom and Bella dancing slowly and laughing. Um sorry to interfere but I brought you the wand my lord . Very good boy now go before your missed . Yes sir . With that he left to join his brother in there first class .

With blase and draco .
It done I've fixed it wonderful now all we do is wait if we are lucky and everyone did there jobs all we do is relax this week good I got a red head to please. With that thay walked off to class .

Aunt ginny what did uncle mean by please. Well crystal he wants to buy me ice cream. Oh ok . Now let me finish the story I will have a elf bring you both ice pops ok yah thay both say . Ok now were was I oh yes .

With luna and pansy
Ok let's get to class but first we need to find summer rain and Ashley ok so off thay went to find there friends. On the way thay found a pair of griffendors pushing and picking on ginny. Pansy saw red oi im the only one who picks on the red head she's my friend so beat it before I hurt you . Luna was scared pansy was a skilled witch . With that thay ran and ginny said thank you to her friend. Your one of us now unlike them we take care of ours . With that thay soon found the others and went to class . Thay all met as thay entered the room for dada and in just 3hours thay did all there jobs and as thay walk to lunch thay see all the teachers throwing up in buckets and in plants . With a smile she ran to the owls and sent her father a letter that said ready here's the spells to all the doors love hermione. As it flew off she went to join draco and talk about there date later .

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