122. "now my forever's falling down"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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One day I'd wake up feeling more

But I had already reached the shore



They escaped Malfoy Manor, meaning they got part of their freedom back, so shouldn't they be happy? But how were they supposed to be happy when Dobby the house-elf, a friend, lost his life just saving them?

Was it worth to be happy of their freedom when it causd a life?

Either way, they weren't going to let Dobby's sacrifice be in vain. Everyone will remember his name as one of the few elves that out right defy their abusive master and wanted to be free. One of the first house-elf to live and die without a master.

Lucia looked at Dobby, who was being cradled by a tormented Harry. She watched helplessly as he pleaded and pleaded for it all to not be true, for it to be only some sick joke the world was playing on him. But alas, the world was once again against him: Dobby was gone, and they could never call for him to come back.

Feebly she observed from where she was as he rocked back and forth, body quivering violently, his voice saying, "Dobby... Dobby..." over and over and over... but he was already gone. She felt numb.

Dobby was gone.

Gathering up all her strength, she crawled forward to them, looking down at the brave house-elf that had just lost his life for them. There, she tried to contain all her emotion as much as she could, but when she glanced up at Harry, her heart broke the millionth times today. Tears welled in his eyes, tortured by the sight of losing another friend.

Lucia soon realised that they were no longer alone as coming out of the cottage and gathering around them was Bill and Fleur, Dean and Luna. Harry recoil from Lucia's embrace, trying not to seem as though he had just cried as he asked suddenly.

"Hermione? Where is she?"

"Ron's taken her inside," said Bill. "She'll be all right."

He nodded aimlessly before looking back down at Dobby. He stretched out a hand and pulled the sharp blade from the elf's body, then dragged off his own jacket and covered Dobby in it like a blanket.

As the sea rushed against the rock somewhere nearby, Lucia watched the sky with woe whilst the others talked, discussing matters in which she did not find all that interesting at that moment, imagining Dobby a happier life after death.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now