123. "last time we called it a wrap"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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Keep coming back

Guess you can say I'm attached


          THEY WERE LED TO THE room by Bill where Lucia, who was dress what seems t be Fleur's floral gown, stood in front of patiently.

The moment they reached there, it was evident that the event prior still lingered in Lucia's mind as all she did was diverted her eyes toward everywhere but Harry and Ron with her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. Lucia made a beeline to Hermione, taking her cold hand in her warm ones.

Hermione instantly felt her energy slowly replenish just by the mere skin contact. "I never got to ask, but how are you feeling?"

"Better," said Hermione weakly, "Ron and Harry told me what happened to you. Did you really not get tortured? I heard the screams..."

"You could say that I'm an acting prodigy," she tried to joke, and all three of them smiled at her. "Well, anyway, Harry told me that we're here for Griphook and Ollivander — ?"

"We're speaking to Griphook first," spoke Harry, also cannot contain from blushing at the mere memory of half an hour ago.

"We're interro — I mean speaking to him in here?"

Bill nodded. Her wrapped his hand around the doorknob and opened the door into his and Fleur's room. It too had a view of the sea, now flecked with gold in the sunrise. Lucia went inside first and sat the very edge of the bed. Hermione took the chair beside the dressing table, and Ron sat on the arm. Harry moved to the window, turning his back on the spectacular view, and waited, his arms folded.

Bill reappeared, carrying the little goblin, whom he set down carefully upon the bed. Griphook grunted thanks, and Bill left, closing the door upon them all.

"I'm sorry to take you out of bed," said Harry. "How are your legs?"

"Painful," replied the goblin. "But mending."

He was still clutching the sword of Gryffindor, and wore a strange look: half truculent, half intrigued. Lucia noted the goblin's sallow skin, his long thin fingers, his black eyes. Fleur had removed his shoes: His long feet were dirty. He was larger than a house-elf, but not by much. His domed head was much bigger than a human's.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now