Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

One Year Later

Amy got her Guide dog and Ty had fitted a location collar so they could always find them if there was a problem, things had been going well and Ty made sure to spend time with the love of his life, going for walks and into town and around the park, Amy only used her cane (or as Lou referred to it as her lucky cane as finding it stuck in the mud they knew she was in the lake) when in the house or with Ty when the dog could have a rest as Amy put it. She doted on the dog and spoilt her rotten.
She was a big German Shepherd and she'd remembered watching a TV series where a little girl had one who always looked out for her and protected her, so she named her dog after that one, Remi she called him and she felt sorry for anyone who tried to hurt her.
The dog had got to know his way around Heartland after all the walks they'd been on and Amy felt that she finally had some freedom.

Amy had Just come back from a walk when she heard this voice and her blood ran cold, normally a Daughter wouldn't feel that way about her own father and she knew no one was at home.
"Oh look it's the lady of leisure, still afraid of horses Amy, thought you'd of got over that by now and got back to work".
Amy ignored him not wanting to get into a shouting match with him.
"I see your still engaged but not married yet, why's that, doesn't Ty want to marry you anymore. You should of gone with Ahmed he'd of paid for specialist's to get your sight back".
Amy finally got to the door and was about to open it when Tim walked towards her to quickly and Remi sensed a threat with Tim's sudden movements and his loud voice so went straight into Guarddog mode growling and barking showing off his nice Big white teeth.
"Stay back Dad or Remi will attack you, and I'm not joking".
Tim took two steps back but Remi was not stupid and still growled showing Tim her teeth.
"So I never was told how much Ahmed gave you as compensation Amy".
"That's because no one does, and if your just here because I've got money, you can leave now, I'm not stupid to fall for your get rich quick Idea's, and would never invest in any of them either".
"Well it must of been quite a bit because he said it was enough to make your Lifetime comfortable".
"As I said, that's my business".
"Look ,give me some and I'll dissappear, that's what you really want isn't it, me out the way".
"You know Dad, thinking back to when you showed up after the car crash and all the things you did for me makes me wonder why you even bothered, all you seemed to want from me was free healing of your Horses, how much you could make off me winning horse jumping shows and more, just leave okay, my life is a lot better when your not in it".
"You ungrateful little cow, I wanted to show how much I'd missed you".
"Yeah until you saw a potential to make money out of what I could do".
Tim was getting angry now as he realised his youngest Daughter had come to understand what he was like and he always had alternative motives.
He moved forward again and Remi went for him but Tim quickly moved backwards, Lou had Just pulled up and had been watching as she'd slowed her car to a snails pace so no one heard her pull up.
"Leave Amy alone".
"Oh look it's ungrateful Daughter number one".
"I thought we'd seen the last of you, what woodwork did you crawl out of".
"He's after my money Lou, says he'd dissappear forever".
"He can do that all on his own Amy. So what happened to all the money that you got for your half of the Dude Ranch Dad".
"Well you know, bad investments etc".
"So you squandered it, then thought who could you get more money from".
"Oh look the cavalry's arrived".
"Go away Dad, I'm going inside Lou".
"Yeah, think I'll join you, it smells a bit out here".
"What you after Tim just get off my property".
Jack and Lisa just walked straight indoors and Lisa locked the door, so Tim couldn't walk in.
He went to but when he tried the door it was of course locked, so he starts knocking but everyone ignored him and finally he drove off.

To be continued

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