Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Hello Ty".
"Hi Jack, Lou, Lisa, Scott asked me to give you this envelope".
"Ha, he never forgets to send out his monthly Vet bills just like clockwork, will you give Amy our Love".
"I certainly will, see you later, come on Lyndy let's go see mummy".

Amy was riding slowly through the Large Meadow full of tall grass and bristling  with wild flowers, she could hear the bees gathering the necter.
This place was beautiful, it was her favourite place, where she'd pick the flowers to lay on her mother's grave.
Then she heard a voice, she looked around but couldn't see anyone.
She looked at the wonderful Stag in front of her then heard another voice, this one she knew, it was Ty's voice, but who's was the other.
Then they spoke again " Daddy when will Mummy wake up from her sleep, she must be very tired".
"I don't know beautiful, that's why we say a prayer every night before you go to sleep and hope that someone hears it".
Amy was still sat watching the Stag wondering why she could hear there voices, and who's was the little girls voice, lyndy was only one and couldn't talk yet.
"But it's been so long Daddy, you said I  was a baby when mummy went to sleep and I'm 5 now".
Amy sat there thinking that Lyndy couldn't be 5, she was one and at home with Ty, unless what she's seeing and hearing isn't real, then she heard the rifle shot from a hunter after the Stag and watched them run off into the thick woods.
No, she thought I can't be.
She listened to the conversation between Ty and the little girl.

"Yes beautiful ".
"Why's Mommy crying".
Ty looked and realised that maybe she could hear them.
"I'm going to get Mummy's Doctor so please stay here and look after Mommy, okay".
Ty ran off, Lyndy wanted her Mummy so climbed on the bed and got up as close as she could hugging her like she has since she can remember except this time Amy can feel someone caressing her cheek.
Ty came back with the Doctor and he could see her tears.
"She's coming out of her deep sleep and can obviously hear your voices, if your daughter carries on doing that it will stimulate her consciousness".
"You think she's waking up".
"I'd have to say yes. Keep talking to her,  both of you encouraging her to open her eyes".
Amy could now hear everything going on and hearing her little girl talking to her made her want to see her and see how much she'd grown. What had happened to her to miss so much.
As it got later neither Ty or Lyndy wanted to leave her incase she went back to sleep.  Amy could feel Lyndy cuddled up against her, her hand still on her face and Amy's tears kept falling even though she was still in the meadow.

Morning was approaching and Amy was still sat on her horse but time was stationery, the sun seemed to be getting brighter and brighter, eventually it was so bright it was like looking at a torch, then it was blinding white. She realised her eye's were open and staring at the ceiling lights in the hospital, she gently moved her head to the side getting her vision back to normal and looked at the beautiful face of her daughter laying by the side of her, at first she thought she was looking at herself as a child, she couldn't get over how her baby had grown so much, how long had it been since she was riding in the meadow.
Amy looked at Ty asleep in the chair and actually saw touches of grey in his hair and------- beard!!!.
He looked haggard and she wondered how whatever happened had affected him.

Amy was looking at her beautiful Lyndy as she opened her eye's and saw her Mummy's eye's open looking at her.
"Mmmuuummmyyyy" she screamed with a smile as big as the Grand Canyon and crying throwing her arms around her mummy then started sobbing as did Amy who was also kissing Lyndy's face all over.
The scream had shocked Ty into consciousness and when he saw what was happening and hearing two different types of sobbing he knew Amy was awake. He walked around the other side and Amy moved her arm which felt like a dead weight that was free of Lyndy around his neck pulling him in for a kiss even though she didn't have that much strength.  She was kissing Ty then Lyndy and back and forth. Ty pressed the Button for the Nurses.

" Lyndy sweetheart,  tell mummy how old you are now".
"I'm 5 now Mummy nearly a big girl so I can go to school ".
Amy looks at Ty who has tears running down his face.
"4 yrs Ty, really".
"Yes love, we wondered if you'd ever wake up".
"Me and Daddy said a prayer everytime I went to bed Mommy for you to wake up".
"Thank you sweetheart,  and you Ty".
"I brought Lyndy with me 3 times a week to see you so she knew who you were, even though you were sleeping she grew up with you knowing who you were".
"Thank you Ty, she's so beautiful ".
"What's the last thing you remember".
"Sitting on Spartan watching a Giant Stag and  some Doe's,  then I heard a gun shot from a Hunter, what happened Ty".

To be continued

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