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"do you like the food?" mingyu peered up at wonwoo who was stuffing his mouth full with sushi. almost choking in his haste to answer, wonwoo spluttered , feeling embarrassed yet again. "yeah." wonwoo swallowed quickly, "it's really good." wonwoo eyes were sparkling, making mingyu's lips twitch upwards at how cute wonwoo was.

"you know, it's hard to bring up that we still have a contract to sign when you're being so cute." mingyu was grinning right now.

"no, it's okay." wonwoo wiped his mouth hastily, "we should focus on what we came her for, and don't call me cute." he added, pouting at mingyu. with a shrug, mingyu picked up his suitcase and took out a bunch of papers, pushing the bowls and plates in front of him away and fixing his tie, acting all business-like. "It's a bit too formal." he glanced at wonwoo and chuckled, placing the papers in front of him and telling wonwoo, "here, read it through and we'll discuss how much I pay you and stuff."

nodding nervously as he had nearly forgotten what they were meeting up for, wonwoo skimmed through the papers and tried to take in every word. His mind empty, he finished reading and passed the papers back to mingyu, looking at him blankly and waiting for him to continue.

knowing wonwoo was a newbie at this and was probably clueless from his blank and confused expression, mingyu opened his mouth to speak. "let's see, tell me the amount of money you need for each expenditure in your life now."

"umm," wonwoo pondered, thinking about the bills that came in a few days ago and trying to remember. "$2000 for rent and stuff since i'm splitting with my brother,about $6000 for school and others I think." wonwoo counted, furrowing his brows slightly, "that's about it." he concluded.

"though you'd give a higher price, since you're earning free money right now." mingyu teased, making wonwoo roll his eyes, "well, i was raised to be an honest kid, okay?"

"sure, sure." mingyu sounded amused, "then I would pay you about $1000 for dates and parties, is that enough?"

"wow." wonwoo's mouth hung open. upon realising that he was gaping at that like someone who has never seen big money, and quickly shut his mouth, self-conscious. "y-yeah." he stammered, "that's perfectly enough."

"cute." mingyu commented, taking a sip of his drink and enjoying how wonwoo was reduced to a blushing mess in front of him. "and the last topic." mingyu smirked, " if you're willing, i would pay you about $2000 for sex."

wonwoo choked on his saliva, the bush creeping to his neck. in his panic to cover his mouth, he accidentally knocked over his bowl. hastily, wonwoo put things back and took a sip of green tea to calm himself. why was he behaving like this? it was embarrassing. "sorry." he said, his face still burning hot. "w-what were you saying just now?"

smirking widely, mingyu replied, "since you are a virgin, are you willing to do it?" mingyu's tone was softer than before as he glanced at wonwoo, who was purposefully averting his gaze.

after a tense moment of awkward silence, with mingyu humming and rocking his chair backwards, waiting for wonwoo's response, wonwoo finally said, "maybe. i-it depends." with that, wonwoo lowered his head and red bloomed on his cheeks. "why would you want to do it with me a-anyway?"

Leaning over the table so that his face was now much closer to wonwoo's, mingyu smirked, his canines on full display. "because you're pretty and cute."

"i-" wonwoo was left speechless. for a moment, mingyu had regretted his slip of tongue, but seeing how wonwoo's face flushed crimson to the tip of his ears, it was worth it. "i'm not cute!" wonwoo exclaimed, swivelling his head as though trying to shake off an irksome fly, making mingyu find his actions even more adorable and endearing. cooing because of wonwoo's cuteness, mingyu pat wonwoo on the head and pulled on his jean jacket over his casual dress shirt, looking effortlessly handsome. wonwoo nibbled on his lower lip, holding back compliments as he did not want to seem like a simp. maybe sooner or later he would reveal his inner simp, but not so fast. not on their first meeting together.

"i'll go get the bill, okay? i'll send you home, you could wait for me by the door." mingyu gestured towards the entrance where the exact same sleek black limousine was parked. nodding, wonwoo made his way towards the entrance, feeling mingyu's eyes on him until reached the entrance which mingyu couldn't see from the counter. 

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