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Waking up to an alarm is my everyday norm. How do people without an alarm do their daily task on time without feeling rushed or scattered? I wonder as I lay on my bed wide awake at 6 am in the morning.
Smiling to myself and concluding that they should come to me for tips on how to leave a scheduled life, because it what makes everything more interesting, more in order and much more organized.
Although my parents where the ones that brought us up with it, I can proudly say that I bought into it more than all my other siblings as dad, mum and I are the early wakers in the house , while the rest wake up a little bit later.
My alarm rings again warning me that it's 5 minutes past 6 , which makes me to quickly get up from the bed so that I can do my morning routine on time which includes making my bed , sweeping my room, before proceeding to the toilet to ease my self of yesterday food, after which I head to my bathroom to wash it before brushing my teeth, bathing and putting on my school uniform for school.
Did I forget to mention that am still in high school, senior year and about to graduate? Along with Mariam?. I think I forgot but that's just me! I do forget to tell anyone some important tips about my life.
After am done with my morning task I grab my bag and head down stairs to maybe help my mum set the dinning table and probably help out with breakfast because I feel like acting like myself again so that they can get off my issue and not worry about me.
My mum is already in the kitchen making pancakes, when I entered the kitchen. " Good morning mum" I greet her, hoping she will notice that I greeted her first today , which I haven't done in a while. And she did because she smiled at me before facing what she was doing again. " And how was your night my sweetheart? hope you slept well", she asks me, which I respond with a nod, noticing that she wasn't seeing my reaction, I decided to be verbal, " yes mum I slept like a princess that I am", I reply, which causes her to smile my way again. " Honey, since you are the responsible one that is quite awake at the right time, why don't you wash your hands and help me arrange the dinning room and after which you can boil some hot water for tea, so that your father can have his breakfast before going, you know how he likes to go to work before time " she tells me, still stirring the bowl of water mixed with flour.
I immediately get to what she asked of me after washing my hands, as my mum is quite sensitive to what she calls" germs in the air". Am already about to make tea for everyone when mariam enters the kitchen with Emas, our last born. She walks straight to me, while Emas walks the other way to the dining table where he would eat and then leave for school.
"Marie, good morning" she says as she gets close enough so that I can hear her voice." What is for breakfast this morning?" She asks me." Mum is making pancakes so that we can drink tea with it. I answer "And how was ur night?" I ask her as she starts to walk away from me probably towards mum." It was fine , thanks for asking and yours was great yeah?" She stops to ask me" yeah, we thank God. Is Emas ok kay ?" I ask her in reply to her question " yeah he is, maybe he is still annoyed that you shouted at him in the church yesterday and you know that we both hate public humiliation" she answers smiling at my facial expressions, which looks back at her in denial and hurt ." But it was yesterday and moreover today is a new day, so he should forgive and forget", with that mariam turns again to continue her quest for mum. " Maybe you should tell that to him and make him understand" , she says finally, now making her way to mum who was still busy frying, oblivious to our line of conversation.
When am done with the tea, I call on mariam so that she can help me take them to the dining table. Dad was already there looking impatient , which causes me to serve him first . And before I can go back to get his share of the pancake, mum calls me and mariam to come help her out with carrying of the food to the dining table, which we quickly obliged .
Father was the first to leave the house, after telling us to have a good day, followed by mum who said the same thing before going upstairs to get ready for work. I was the third person to finish so I got up and round mine and our parents plates to the kitchen which will then be washed by mariam and rinsed by Emas, before we can all go to school today, as am the one in charge of driving us to school since our elder siblings have all travelled back to college leaving us three that were still in high school.
When they were done we all carried our bags and filled out towards the oldest toyota camry in the garage. I entered the drivers seat , mariam entered the next seat while Emas took the passenger seat. And when we all set, I started the car and headed for school. On our way, I felt it was the right time to talk to Emas, although I find it absurd that he would still carry such things in mind after going to church and listening to the gospel that centered on forgiveness and kindness.
We always go to church but find it hard to really leave out what is being taught except my parents, who are i know as the realest people in this whole wide world. Coming back to the present, I call Emas name still keeping my eyes on the road." Yes? What is it ? " he answers, which makes mariam to cough out while she is trying to cover her laughter at the impeding weird conversation between Emas and I .
I laugh as well before collecting myself inorder to properly give him a reply that will both calm him down and clear my conscience which still thinks it's my fault that he's being moody. " I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for shouting at you yesterday in the church before your friends and mates, I promise to be more considerate next time, so please forgive me once again?" I plead as I look at him quickly before looking back in the road.
He didn't say anything for some time and I thought that he was still snubbing me or something, and for that brief moment, the atmosphere in the car was hot, even mariam the " hyena" did not laugh.
" It's okay, and I was not snubbing you, neither was I angry. It's just that you have been shouting at everyone the minute you get a chance and I have been trying to make you laugh and all but you just shout at me all the time. So I made up my mind that from yesterday I will leave you alone since you don't want to talk to us anymore, so I wasn't snubbing you , I was just doing what you asked of me. But if you are okay now, then no problem because I am happy that you are now okay " He replys, which make me want to cry but I swallow it and turn to him briefly smiling widely" thanks my baby" I say , which make him scrunch up his face and wave me off." Awwwnnnnn, so we all are now cool, right? So let's all hug to seal this love promise" mariam says with a smirk . " Oh shut up before I give you something to worry about mariam" I retort back, which makes Emas to laugh from the back and mariam to give a look of being heart broken" this fits you right!" Emas says while laughing, causing mariam to turn back and give him a f**k you sign, at this we all laugh, lifting the hot atmosphere in the car to a feeling of warmness as I drive towards the school gate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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