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"I told you to stop, I don't care about your stupid fucking reasons"


"no don't call me that, that nickname's dead to me already"

"yeddeong, please why are you like this all of a sudden? I didn't mean to interfere in your business. I am sorry," I was pleading and begging her

"This is it. this is the end ryujin, I am tired of you. you are nothing but a nuisance to me. and now you doing this, I think its a sign for me to let you go and for you to let me go" she cruelly spat out every word

"yeddeong I'm sorry, I'll change please don't leave me. please don't- I won't be able to live without you" I held her hands as if my life depends on it but she still went away without looking back


"ryuddaeng? ryujin, wake up" I heard yeji's voice. I looked at her and she looked worried "what were you dreaming? you were crying so much" she told me and I hugged her tightly

"I'm sorry. please don't leave me, I'll change" I begged her and I can tell that she was confused because I was confused too

"hey hey, look at me. I am not going anywhere, and why are you sorry and what's with the 'i'll change'?" I heard her saying before I started hyperventilating and I thought I was gonna die due to the lack of air


ryujin was hugging me so tight and she looks so vulnerable, I calmed her down and a minute later she was hyperventilating. I guess she's not fully awake yet so I tapped her cheeks and shook her body "ryujin, open your eyes, look at me. you're going to be fine," I guess she finally woke up. she looks at me and repeatedly said she'll change and how sorry she was and begged me not to leave her.

after a whole 20 minutes of calming her down, I can basically say I succeeded? because she was a lot calmer than before. I laid down next to her and she put her head on my chest. after minutes of comfortable silence, I decided to ask her

"ryujinah?" she didn't say anything just hummed "what were you dreaming about? do you wanna talk about it?"

she was quiet for a moment, I thought she was already asleep again so I decided to move but she stopped me and talked softly

"I was dreaming about you"

"about me?"

"hmm, I was apologising and I don't even know what I was even apologising for. I called you yeddeong and you told me not to call you like that anymore because that nickname was already dead to you" she softly said, "and that you were tired of me. i was so scared because it felt so real"

I hugged her and brought her closer to me "the yeji in your dream is a jerk. remember that I always got your back so ain't no way I'm leaving you. rest assured and sleep now."

timeskip: next day

I will have lunch with my grandparents later because they said they wanted to see me. I went to the construction site and they are almost done with just the building and everything is going well. ryujin went to her café because she said she haven't been there in a while. talking about ryujin, when we woke up this morning, she was so embarrassed about last night and she won't even talk to me but then again I told her that she can't avoid me forever so might as well drop the idea of ignoring and that worked

I'm on my way right now to meet my grandparents, I am honestly excited about it. they always complained that I didn't visit them enough which is true but it's because I always have work to do. I am always the obedient one in the eyes of my grandparents because I kinda always agree with what they say.

"hello gramps" I approached them and gave them a hug which was reciprocated.

"Hello darling, we've missed you"

I broke out from our hug and we all sat down. the food was already served so we started digging in

"I've missed you, gramps," I said to start our conversation after taking a bite

"Says the one who never calls us or visits us," my grandma said in a sad overdramatic tone like she always does

"I really really don't have time since I have to manage the company," I said in the same tone and pouted "plus you should tell Oppa to handle the company if you want to spend more time with me" I slyly smiled

like every Asian grandma of course she hit my head, lightly though "very funny"

"so why the sudden meeting? I know it's because you missed me but I think you guys have ulterior motives" I said

"well, indeed we actually did." grandpa said, he ain't even hiding "we have a favour to ask and I, we actually hope that you'll accept it" he continued

"How can I say no?"

"so, you're 25, almost 26 already so we thought it'll be time for you to get married," grandpa said and I don't like where this is going

"grandpaaa. I like where my life is at right now. I have no interest in marriage as of now" I said

"exactly why you need to find love, sweetheart. just give it a try to this thing called blind date, you might find your other half." my grandma said

"no no no, as I said I am perfectly happy with what I have right now"

"do you like her?" grandpa asked

"YES. wait a minute, mind telling me who you're talking about?" I ask

"Ryujin, Shin Ryujin."

"well I mean, yeah I do. as friends, we're best friends so how can I hate her I mean who hates their best friends, right? not me" I nervously said

grandpa hummed and said "good then, she won't be in your way to find love" WHATTTTTT!??????? "so it's set then, go to this blind date, it's not a request anymore. It's an order, yeji" he continued

"Grandpa, you can't just do that," I said "grandma do something" I looked at grandma

"sweetheart, you know I can't do anything once he made up his mind. but it won't be bad to try it out, if you don't like her then that's okay, if you like her though it'll be fantastic"


"she's a great girl, sweetheart. you'll like her"

I gave up, no point in fighting a war you'll end up losing "fine but this better be a one-time thing, because I am so not interested already" I sigh

I just can't wait to go home and sleep already but I still have work to complete

even though I am kinda mad at my grandparents, I can't act like a brat and leave the lunch so I had to stay with them listening to them telling me about my so-called 'date'

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