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but you blink as you see zenitsu, he was hugging nezuko and a few of the people from the train.

grinning slightly, you fly back over to the train and start taking out anybody who was in there.

everyone seemed dead asleep and that they wouldn't be waking any time soon, so you didn't have to worry about trying to cover your wings.

"are you hurt at all, takami?"

you jump at the sound of rengoku's voice, nearly dropping the person in your arms.

you breathe out, "jesus, don't scare me like that. but yeah, i'm all good, no injuries. you?"

he nods with a broad smile, "sorry about that! but i'm perfectly fine! no injuries either"

you grin, he gives a curt nod before running off to salvage some more people.

you go along all the carts, grabbing and helping out everyone.

many were slightly injured, but nothing major or life-threatening. and every single person had survived, which was a relief.

you breathe out, placing the final batch of people comfortably enough on the ground and stretching your wings.

looking back over to where you had previously seen tanjiro, you see rengoku standing over him and he seemed to be awake.

"it looks like you can do total concentration: constant!" rengoku says boisterously like usual.

"i'm impressed!"

you walk over, crouching down on looking at a puncture wound on tanjiro's stomach, it seemed to be caused by those dagger things those people were holding.

"rengoku-san..? [name]-san..?"

"that's the first step to becoming a hashira! but that's just the first of 10,000 steps yet to come!"

"i'll do my best.." tanjiro says awkwardly, you grin.

"your stomach is bleeding." rengoku points out obviously, "concentrate more. improve the accuracy of your breath. focus on every inch of your body."

you stand back up as tanjiro starts to breathe heavily, a look of concentration on his face.

 "there are blood vessels. broken blood vessels. concentrate more" kyojuro narrows his eyes as tanjiro tries to focus on closing the wound.

he grunts slightly and seems to be struggling, rengoku places a finger on his forehead, tanjiro looks up.


you stretch your arms above your head as the bleeding stops , "that's it. no more bleeding."

tanjiro pants slightly, you grin at him, "well done"

"there're lots of things you can do if you can master your breathing. that doesn't mean you can do anything. but you'll be much stronger than you were yesterday."

tanjiro blinks, "..yeah"

rengoku smiles brightly, "everyone's safe! a lot of injuries, but no deaths. no need for you to overdo it."

you frown as your stomach starts to feel heavy, gasping and shielding your face as a large explosion of sorts sounds from not far ahead of you.

you peer through the dust, standing there was yet another demon.

except this one just looked more intimidating.

he had pure white skin with blue lines all over his body, but his most noticeable feature was his glowing yellow eyes with a large 'upper three' engraved.

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words ; 513

date posted ; 21/04/22


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