The Paranoid Villains Have a Crush on Me Chapter 33: Campus World (33)

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After being in a coma for too long, when Lu Yuan woke up, his vision was blurry. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a while, before finally returning to his soul.

In a trance, he seemed to see Ning Xingzhou quarreling with him, then turned around and left mercilessly, no matter how he tried to keep him, the other party didn't stop. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead for a while before he could completely distinguish between dream and reality.

The dull pain in the back of his head was still there, and he was covered with bandages from his head to his neck. Lu Yuan stood up from the hospital bed, his eyes fell on the handbag beside him, which contained the reward for this competition.

His phone is not around and he didn't know where it is placed. The boss of the underground boxing ring was not there either, so he only left a note on the bedside, which meant that the medical expenses had been paid and the extra remuneration was the compensation for the mental loss of the irritable audience.

Lu Yuan watched it without hesitation, his eyes fell on the handbag with money on the side, and there was a faint light in his eyes. He simply pulled out the needle neatly, picked up the bag and staggered away.

He can finally give the first gift to his Ning Xingzhou.


The distance between Lu Yuan's hospital and Ning Xingzhou was not too close, even if he called a taxi, it was still half an hour's drive away. After getting out of the car, Ning Xingzhou trotted towards the ward where Lu Yuan was located. The floor was high and there were few elevators. During the anxious time waiting for the elevator, he wished he could grow wings and fly up.

After finally waiting for the elevator, Ning Xingzhou walked into Ward 1706 in a hurry.

There was nobody.

Ning Xingzhou blinked, he went back and looked at the room number, it was 1706. He walked in and took a look. The patient information registered beside the hospital bed did say that Lu Yuan was there and there was an unfinished hanging bottle next to it.

Ning Xingzhou stared at the hanging bottle for a while, the corners of his mouth twitched and he faintly realized something.

This familiar operation, is Lu Yuan... running away again? Just like when they first met.

Ning Xingzhou pouted, feeling a little unhappy. It's a pity that he is so worried about the other party, but it has always been Lu Yuan himself who doesn't take his own body seriously.

He thought that his arrival had brought some changes to Lu Yuan, but now the same scene is reappearing, which makes him feel absurdly beaten in the face.

Ning Xingzhou bit his lower lip lightly, and dialed Lu Yuan's number with a bad look on his face. When he finds Lu Yuan, if the other party doesn't give him a reasonable explanation, he will... He will break it off with Lu Yuan for a day! No - for two days!

It wasn't Lu Yuan who answered the phone, it was the little nurse who called him over. Knowing that Lu Yuan was missing, she was even more confused and at a loss than Ning Xingzhou. After all, half an hour ago, the patient was still in a coma.

She is still qualified, and this is the first time she has encountered such a situation, she doesn't know how to deal with it. On the contrary, Ning Xingzhou had to calm down a lot, and even comforted the little nurse with a few words before leaving the hospital to start looking for someone.

He thought that Lu Yuan might not like the hospital environment, so he went home to rest after waking up. As a result, he went to look around the other party's house and found no one.

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