The Paranoid Villains Have a Crush on Me Chapter 76: Real World (1)

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Opening his eyes again, Ning Xingzhou saw a translucent arc-shaped barrier. Outside the barrier, there were black flames in the sky, and there was that familiar guy who was being engulfed by the black flames.

Between them, there was a faint spiritual thread, and the moment he woke up, that spiritual thread was completely broken.

The black flames that were eager to try suddenly roared and engulfed the dormant cabin where he was in an instant. This so-called top-of-the-line dormant cabin gradually turned into nothingness as the black flame eroded.

However, Ning Xingzhou was not damaged in the slightest, only the flame mark on his forehead was still deep and shining under the terrifying black flame.

Ning Xingzhou's expression was still a little stunned and dazed. He raised his hand and touched the hot temperature between his foreheads. His nose was sour, and his heart was bitterly bitter.

He remembered it all.

Therefore, mixed feelings.

Since he can remember, he has lived in the envious eyes of everyone. Because the blood of the Ning family flows in his body, he was born on the finish line that countless people have tried their best to reach.

The Ning family, from generation to generation, has been an S-level spiritual person with awe-inspiring record and countless merits. And he, Ning Xingzhou, has inherited all the good genes of both parents and achieved an unprecedented SS level, which is the pride of the whole family.

Since he can remember, the elders in the family have instilled many great principles in him.

They told him that with great power comes great responsibility.

They told him that ability was born to protect.

They told him that the strong should protect the weak.

They told him that the world will respect him and love him only if he cares about the common people.

Although such big truths are boring, in the heart of young Ning Xingzhou, they are also truths, and they are the code of conduct that he should abide by. He is very talented. From childhood to adulthood, he has been soft on all kinds of medals and honors. As long as there is a ranking place, he is the first.

The family has always been proud of him, and he is also proud of being born in the Ning family. But all of this was only once.

After getting to know Sikongyuan, he gradually discovered that this world was completely different from what he knew.

He had heard about the existence of Sikong Yuan from his elders long ago, and knew that he possessed SSS-level mental power, and his mental value had reached an unbelievable strength, which was difficult to measure with instruments. I just don't know why, he can't use fusion skills, and he can't use F-level to S-level armors.

Ning Xingzhou was curious, but it was only limited to curiosity. I didn't know about it specially, and I didn't know it specifically, but by chance, I rescued each other from the hands of a group of people from the same sect.

he is very angry.

He was shocked by the treatment Sikongyuan received in the school, angry that the school knew it but ignored it, and annoyed that those bullies pretended to be righteous and dignified in front of him, but they only bullied the weak behind their backs.

It was only then that he realized that the world was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

The same person, in front of him, and in front of Sikong Yuan, can actually have completely different expressions.

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