Despair Bear

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Tom Dupain was teaching Miss Bustier's class how to make macaroons, "I'll let you in on a little secret. I always add cream to the chocolate to make the ganauche extra velvety. Then I let infuse for one minute."

Alya films with her phone, whisperimg to Marinette, "I love it when your dad comes to class and gives us pastry lessons."

The bluenette chuckles, "So does he!"

"Urgh! Do they seriously think I'm going to get my hands dirty? If I want a croissant, I just make my butler get it for me." Chloé waves her hand.

"He's not making croissants, Chloé! Those are macaroons!" Rose corrected her.

"It's all done with a flick of a wrist. But you musn't go too fast or you might splash yourself!" Tom stirs something up in a bowl.

"And soil my Chenus pants? Who's he kidding? Chloè asks, closing her eyes and crossing her arms.

Mr. Dupain shows them the bowl, "Look at this lovely emulsion."

The students look in awe.

"It's beautiful!" Rose exclaims.

Rintaro and Marinette spot Chloé on her phone, before hanging up.

"Now we need to chill it for half an hour. Marinette? Rintaro? Touma?" Tom calls for them.

The three turn back to look at him.

"Yes, dad?" the bluenette answers.

"Could you put this in the school cafeteria fridge for me, please?" Tom hands them the bowl, "In the meantime, I'm going to show your friends how to whip up the egg."

"Sure thing, Mr. Dupain!" Rintaro answers as he and her friend, "Do you mind if I had a taste?"

"Not yet, Rintaro! Patience!" Marinette exclaimed as the three laugh.

Suddenly, the fire alarm goes off, scaring them.

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