Chapter One

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All the omega were sleeping when the were suddenly woken up. "The master has summoned all of you." The alpha said. Akaza yawned and rolled out of his nest. Enmu grabbed his brush and pulled Akaza aside to brush his bed head. Akaza allowed him and loved it.
They all were bowed down in the infinite room. They hear a sound before looking up to meet the upper moons and their masters eyes. The upper moons were bowed down to. But you could faintly see the Daki had red around her crotch and chest. Akaza felt very satisfied.
"Who washed Daki's clothes last?" Muzan asked. The room was completely silent. Muzan looked around the room before his eyes fell on Akaza. Muzan stepped closer to Akaza. "Show my your hands." He demand. Akaza complied and showed his master his hands. Muzan crouched down and took the omega's hand looking at it almost studying them. Muzan was quick to notice the red on Akaza's feet and ankle. "What's your name omega?" He asked standing up.
"Akaza, my name is Akaza sir." He answered. Muzan nodded. "Okay Akaza, Did you wash Daki's clothes last?" He asked. Akaza nodded. "Yes master." He admitted. Daki let out an angry squeal. Muzan looked back at her before looking back at him. "Can you tell me why you did it?" Muzan asked. Akaza nodded. "Yes master, upper moon six hasn't received any punishment for killing an demon omega. Upper moon six also caused the accident as well. She suddenly pushed out her chair causing the omega to fall. That was upper moon six's fault. Nothing broke and we had plenty made. That omega shouldn't have been killed." After he was finished he felt blood dripping down his face. Then he felt the burning feeling he looked to see Daki's tentacle had hit him.
"You are so dead. You stupid stupid omega!" She growled. "Upper Moon Six, I will handle this. Please calm down." Muzan requested. Daki nodded and bent back down with the others. Muzan turned back. "What did you do?" He asked. When Akaza tried to answer only blood came out. He grabbed a rag from his back pocket and cleaning up the blood before pressing the rag to his lip. "I washed her clothes with poison ivy. I didn't know it would be this effective though." He admitted. Muzan nodded. "Upper moons we'll discuss his punishment later. As for you Akaza, you will not be allowed near Upper moons six room again. Omegas you are dismissed." He said before walking away. The omegas were quick to get out of his sight. Akaza got dirty looks the entire night.
He suddenly felt very hot and unwell. Enmu who was cleaning the windows noticed quickly. "Akaza are you okay?" He asked. Akaza only nuzzled into him. "Oh I see, you're in preheat." He helped Akaza up and to the omega chambers. While they were walking Akaza's full heat hit. The scent of yogurt and strawberry filled the hallway. Akaza panted and growled. Enmu was stopped by the upper moons. Akaza continued to growl. "My my, did he go into a panic heat? He smells so sweet." Upper moon two commented. "He does smell really sweet." Upper moon one agreed.
Enmu sighed. "Akaza get very aggressive during his heat. I need to get him back to his nest." Enmu tried to continue walking but upper moon two and snatched Akaza from him. Akaza grew out his claws and tried to scratch Douma. Douma only giggled. "You need not to worry about him...." He paused. "My name is Enmu." He said. "You need not to worry about your friend, Enmu. Get back to work." He suggested. Enmu hummed in displeasure before going back to the windows. Douma picked up Akaza. Akaza tried pushing him away and scratching him. No matter what he did Douma just wouldn't let him go.
"Not fair Douma! I want him!" Daki said. Douma laughed. "You snooze you lose." He stuck out his tongue. Akaza scuffed and snuggled into Douma. Douma's cold body felt nice against him. "I thought you didnt feel attraction to omegas, upper moon one." He teased. He scuffed. "I dont, but you guy seem to have a problem when it comes to omegas. I don't want a repeat of last Christmas." He sighed. Douma laughed and rubbed the back of the omega. "He has alot of gut to do the to an upper moon. I'll give him that." The other demon remained silent.
Akaza purred and nuzzled against Douma taking in his scent and leaning on his cold body. Douma smiled and continued rubbing his back. Douma began on walking towards his room. He looked down at Akaza and saw how tired he looked. Douma hummed and kissed his forehead. "You look so sleepy. We're almost there. I'll let you build your nest." He said. Akaza nuzzled him and let out an tired groan.
Akaza started dozing off when Douma opened the door. When Douma opened up his door Akaza hopped down and began to sniff around the new area. He picked up a variety of blankets, shirts, pants, ties and such. He sniffed them and began building his nest in the corner of Douma's huge bed. Douma watched him and stepped closer to his bed. He was testing his limits. Akaza looked at him with a whimper. Douma sat at the other end of his bed starring at Akaza. Akaza crawled into Douma's lap and laid his head on Douma's chest. Douma chuckled and kissed his forehead. Akaza tugged on Douma's shirt. "Do you want this one?" He asked. Akaza looked at him with sad eyes. Douma let out a laugh. "Sure!" He said and pulled off the shirt he was currently wearing for the tiny omega. He handed the shirt to the omega who took it and climbed out of his lap and to his nest adding it.
Akaza looked over at Douma. "C-come in?" He asked. Douma nodded and climbed into Akaza nest being careful not to move any of the blankets. Douma laid down and was surprised there was a lot of extra space. Than it hit him....Akaza was preparing to carry his babies. Douma smiled at the thought.

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