Chapter Five

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Akaza woke up feeling dizzy. He nuzzled into Douma with a groan. He tried to go back to sleep but his head was in a whirl. "God sick on the third day of my heat for fuck sake." He grumbled.

Akaza stood up from the nest and stumbled his way over to the bathroom. "I'm going to vomit." He cursed before spewing his guts into the toilet. Akaza cough and leaned over the toilet dry heaving.

It wasn't long before he felt a hand on his back. "Oh you poor thing. Do you want me to get you a doctor?" Douma asked. Akaza groaned and emptied his stomach again. "Please." He answered.

Douma stood up and helped Akaza up from the bathroom floor. "I'm going to put you back in the nest. Than I'll go fetch a doctor." He said. Akaza slumped into his nest nuzzling into the warm blankets. Douma left the room and down the hallway.


Akaza woke up to Douma coming through the door with the doctor in toe. The doctor walked over to the side of the nest and leaned over. "I'm going to do a standard check up okay?" He asked. Akaza sat up and moved closer.

The doctor pulled out a few of his instruments and began the process of the check up. When the doctor got to close to Akaza stomach he growled. The doctor looked up and shock and moved away.

"Master Douma. Tell me what's Akaza's scent." He asked. Douma hummed and thought for a moment. "Okay! Got it! He smells like an ice cone." Douma responded. The doctor nodded. "Smell him now. Get really close to his scent glads." The doctor requested.

Douma leaned into Akaza's scent gland and took in the new scent. "Vanilla Ice cream." He answered. "A milky scent could indicate pregnancy but I will run one more test to be 100% sure." The Doctor said pulling up Akaza's shirt and feeling his belly. Akaza slapped The Doctors hand away and growled at him.

The Doctor took a syringe and grabbed his arm. "I'll test your blood." He spoke softly before poking it through the skin of Akaza's arm.


Akaza waited days for the test results. He wished that it was just a false alarm and he really wasn't pregnant. He looked down at his lap picking at his finger nails. He could feel fear creep into his body as his vision contorts.

Akaza's breathe hitched as he sees his stomach swell. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Douma starring back down at him.

"Silly I was calling you for seven minutes. The tests results are in."


Akaza laid in his nest starring at the wall. He looked down at his frozen fingers.

Akaza starred at Douma when he announced the news. "I'm pregnant?" He asked. Douma nodded excited shoving the documents into the omegas hands.

Akaza looked down at his stomach his breathe stopping in his throat. His brows furrowed. His face contorted. "I don't want children." He mumbled. Douma hummed questioning. "Can you repeat that darling?" He asked. Akaz made eye contact with Douma growling. "I DIDNT WANT CHILDREN." He repeated in a loud harsh tone not befitting a omega.

Akaza stuck his finger deep in his flesh ripping out chunks but before he could reach his womb. He blacked out.

When he awoke his stomach was healed and there was frost covering the tips of his fingers. He tried to stick his fingers into his stomach but the frost prevented it.


Akaza has come to accept the life growing inside of him. His belly was already swollen but he didn't need to hunt because by the time he woke up Douma was back with fresh body parts.

Akaza rubbed his belly. "I wonder who you'll look like. With my luck you'll come out looking like your dad. Nothing wrong with that of course." He spoke lovingly.

Douma leaned against the doorframe listening in on Akaza's one sided conversation with their unborn child. Douma pushed open the door and made his way over to his mate and child. "The meeting g was so boring." He said flopping into the nest.


Akaza panted as he gently held his bloodied baby. Admiss of the war his water broke and he birthed a child. His breathe shaking as he looked down at he crying figure. He leaned his head against the rubble. "Hush, Hush." He whispered quietly.

Akaza tried his best to stay awake but his body wouldn't let him. He wrapped up his baby more and positioned the baby against his nipple. He smiled when he felt the small being latch on.


When Akaza woke he came face to face with a slayer. Akaza jumped up and looked around for his baby. He calmed down when he spotted his baby laying on their belly staring at him with heir fathers eyes. "You were brought here by the hashira." He spoke quietly.

Akaza picked up his baby making eye contact with them as he brought hem closer to him. "My mate? Where is my mate?" He asked. The slayer looked out the window. "The demons escapes underground before we could defeat them. Our love hashira spotted you on the way back. She took pity on you and brought you to the butterfly estate where the embelicord was removed along with the placentia." He finished. "Your baby girl is adorable she kept flipping over on her stomach though. " He laughed.

"Our baby girl Douma. She's here." He whispered. He allowed his daughter to breastfeed off him
She happily drank her milk smiling up at Akaza. He was able to study her features more. Rainbow eyes, Pale skin and silver pink whisps of hair.

Akaza fell asleep with his daughter next to him. She squirmed a little bit until she was happily on her stomach. Akaza placed a protective hand on her before falling fas asleep.

It wasn't long before he heard the strum of an introment. He brought his daughter close. He was ready to embrace impact but instead was met with warm arms wrapping around him.

"Thank God you're okay. How's the baby?" He asked. Akaza gently placed their little bundle of joy into Douma's arms and watched the man gently rock her. "2/3. She doest look like you at all." Douma teased. Akaza rolled his eyes. "I know right? I carry her ass for nine months and she has the audacity not only to come two weeks early but to come out not looking like me." Akaza said with a sigh.

The end.

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