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I always knew I was different. He, father, was different too. I never had a mother like the other kids. I could not emit sounds like the other kids. I certainly didn't look like the other kids.

Father always told me that the other kids don't understand things very well, and that is why I cannot play with them. He would stand in the window, and stare out into the street. His long arms would bend around his slim figure and rest behind his back.

"Now son," he would say sternly, "those children do not comprehend a thing. If you go out there, they will not let you play anyway. To them, we are scary, when it is the humans who should fear themselves."

I never quite understood what father meant; until I sttarted high school.

"I think you may want to select a human name in which to be called by." Father advised while he prepared my humanoid patch.

"But father, I like my name." I crossed my arms in protest. I loved the way the humans had a secret language that everyone knew. "Body language" they called it. Father looked at me and sighed.

"R32, you cannot conform without having a proper name." He handed me the humanoid patch.

"R32, follow my instructions carefully now." Father held up his patch.

"You must scan the surface for imperfections. If you don't, the humanoid DNA code will be disrupted." I studied my patch, but saw no infractions.

"I see nothing father."

"Now place the patch along the back of your neck." He smoothed the patch onto his neck, behind his dark, black suit. I did the same.

Instantly, every part of my body began to vibrate. Father had already shifted, so he came over to assist me.

"R32, relax, the pain will cease momentarily." He spoke in a hushed manner, also known to humans as a whisper. I closed my eyes and tried to breath slowly. When my eyes opened, it was like I was in another world.

Everywhere I looked I saw bright colors and lights. Even when I looked at my hands, I noticed strange lines and patterns rippling on my now squishy skin.

I felt amazed and frightened at the same time. I looked up at father, who was in the shape of a tall, forty year old man, with dark black hair. I then sat up and smiled. Secretly it has always been my deepest desire to be human. Father hates the humans for their ignorance, but I enjoy their ability to create upset over the simplest of things.

I felt around my new body excitedly. Father left to retrieve clothes. I counted all of my small appendages, and discovered they are symmetrical. Five little things on 'feet', called 'toes'. I also had the same on my hands. Five short little fingers. I had always despised my long bony fingers, not to mention my hideous, bony feet, which did not contain toes. I do not need them. I felt muscles on my legs, which were impressively short. Originally, I stand at seven feet, ten inches, but today, I stand at a short five feet, nine inches. I moved up my body, finding that the area just above my legs was surprising similar to my normal one, which complicates things less. I felt around my torso, back, and arms. I stopped when I reached my neck.

My greatest fear, is my own face. I beat myself every time I thought about it. I was always disgusted at how pale and grotesque I appeared. What I hated more than anything in the world, was my blank, empty white face. I wanted eyes, and a mouth so desperately, I could not control myself.

As a small child, I would hide in my room and draw things on my face. I would try as hard as I could to be human. I ruined a part of my vocal mechanism trying to scream. I wanted to run in the grass and scream, just like they did. I would watch them, and their children, and their children. I was always so hopelessly lonesome. Seeing as I aged ever so slowly, I never could play with them. Playing was an ideal that I also enjoyed. I respect the humans for how very playful they are, even when they are aged to a point of deterioration.

I carefully slid my hands up my chin and I felt my face change slightly. I knew what I'd done. I had smiled. I was so happy, I felt as if I could have flown away. Then I slid my hands up further, to discover a nose. Finally, I touched my fingers to my eyes. Oh, how it stung! I liked the way it hurt. Never had I felt pain so intense. Liquid began to pour out of my eyes as I pushed a little harder. Father walked in and shouted at me. He appeared frightened.

"R32! Stop! Humans are fragile! He pulled me into a standing position, and wiped my face with a towel.

"You cannot do things in that manner. Humans may call you a masochist." He wrapped his arms around me. I shoved him off of me.

"Father! Why do you hurt me?" I cried. He laughed. I did not know he could laugh.

"R32, it is a physical sign of affection. Humans refer to it as a hug. Do not be frightened my son, it only feels strange because you are not adjusted to your body yet. I closed my eyes, and touched the lids gently.

"Do not forget your lessons my son." Father smiled and laid his hand on my shoulder.

"Put on your clothes, we must depart soon." Father left the room, and I slid my cold black suit onto my body.

After I'd tied my red tie around my shortish neck, I walked over to a mirror. Normally, I would have to bend over to see anything, but this time was different. The creature staring back at me, was a handsome one. I touched my smooth black hair, and practiced my emotions. I pretended to speak to an imaginary human.

"Hello there," I would hold out my hand. They would stick their hand out and shake in reply.

"My name is..." I had to think for a moment. Father was right, I cannot tell the humans that my name is R32. I remembered some of the names the children had. There was Billy, Kale, and Andre. I didn't like any of those names. So I thought about it some more. Then I decided upon RJ. I don't know where it came from, but I liked it.

"Hello there, my name is RJ." I held out my hand to the imaginary person. Then father opened the door.

"RJ is a nice name, R32." He complemented. I followed him out of my room, and into the outside world.

I have only been outside two times. The first, on a mission to follow a young man named Alex. We were studying him, when he began to act unusually. His nose began to bleed, and he ran around drawing pictures of trees. The second time, I had snuck out into the woods, but got lost. Father had come searching, and found me blending in with the trees.

We climbed into a black vehicle, and father drove me to the school facility. Since he registered me yesterday, all I had to do was walk in. Father came in with me anyway.

"May I help you?" A large, brown haired woman asked from behind a desk.

"Yes, this is my son RJ, he was registered yesterday." Father signed a paper on a clip board.

"Oh, so you're the new student." She sounded utterly uninterested.

"Yes." I answered, even though her question was rhetorical.

"Well, let me print up your class schedule so you can head to homeroom." I was getting nervous. Mostly because I hadn't understood what she meant.

"Homeroom?" I asked father. He shook his head.

"I am entirely sorry, R32. I have not studied an adolescent child. I do not know any of this." He put a hand on my back and smiled reassuringly. I tried to swallow and unusual mass that was sitting in my throat.

"Here's your schedule, young man." The woman handed me a paper. "D'you need any help finding your way around?" She asked.

"No, I do believe I can find my way around, thank you." I replied. She grunted and sat down to her computer. I looked at father. He nodded to the door. I walked over to it, and entered the world of high school

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