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"Well you just have a twisted ankle, you will be fine in 2 week ish." The doctor told Jason.

"Would I still be able to play my game after?" He asked.

"Um, you can but don't put too much pressure on your ankle okay?" He said as Jason nodded.

I grabbed the pair of crutches as Jason got up and we were walking out of the hospital.

"You okay?" I asked Jason as Jai went to get the car.

"Never better." He said sarcastically.

"Are you annoyed at me?" I asked him.

"You know I can't be mad at you Felicity. It's just that I didn't expect--" Jason got cut off by Jai coming and opening the door for Jason.

Jason sat in the back as I sat in the passenger seat.

We reached Jason's house as I got out and opened the door for Jason.

"Jai you stay in the car I'll take him in." I said as Jai nodded.

I took Jason in as I explained to his mom and she was worried just how every mother would be.

I grabbed Jason's blanket and pillow as he was on the couch. I tucked him in as I smiled at him.

"Hey don't be so down. You will get better before your game if you take care of yourself. If anything you can call me okay?" I said as he nodded.

I kissed his forehead as he kissed my cheek.

"Alright bye idiot." I said ruffling his hair.

"Bye." He said as I went out and back in the car.

"Everything good?" Jai asked.

"Yeah, um can you drop me home now." I said.

"Do you want to get some coffee before I do?" He asked.

I smiled at him.


We reached the coffee place as we ordered some coffee and were sitting on the table talking and chit chatting.

"Sorry about your mate." He said.

"Oh he will be fine." I said taking a sip.

"So did you have fun today?" I asked him.

"Yeah hopefully we can do something like that again." He said smiling at me.

We finished our coffee as we were walking back to the car.

We reached my house as I hopped out.

"Thanks for everything today." I said.

"It's no problem." He said.

"Okay bye." I said.

"Bye." He said smiling.

Jai's POV:
She was walking away and I just had the urge to rip her clothes off and do it with her right in this car.

I quickly drove off back home to watch her from the camera.

I was staring at the screen as she wasn't in her room.

I dialled her number as it rang but she answered.

"Jai?" She asked.

"Yeah hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow." I said watching the screen as her door opened and she came in smiling talking to me from her phone.

I smiled knowing I was able to see her now.

"Um maybe I'll see." She said.

"Alright cool." I said.

"Okay bye." She said as I hung up and began watching the screen.

She was just laying down on her back starring at the ceiling.

Oh how much I just wanted to get on top of her... STOP IT JAI.

She got up as she grabbed her pyjamas as my eyes were filled with lust knowing she s about to change. She ended up going into the washroom as I groaned.

I closed the screen getting up and throwing my tennis ball towards the wall as it bounced back and hit be right on my dick as I winced in pain.


"My ankle will be fine don't worry." Jason said to Chris and Rachel.

"Um well I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house today." I said.

"Yeah I'm down." Chris said.

Rachel and Jason agreed as well as I nodded.

Chris drove Jason's car as we all were in it to my house.

We came in as I helped Jason on the couch.

I went to quickly change into my pyjamas as I came back down.

"Did you guys picked the movie?" I asked.

"Yup." Rachel said as Chris put it in.

I threw Rachel and Chris their blanket as I threw Jason's his.

I was about to sit on the ground because Jason is laying down on the other couch.

"Felicity come here." Jason said smiling at me as I smiled.

I got up as I laid beside him as we were cuddling but I made sure I didn't hurt his ankle.

"Just cause I have an injured ankle doesn't mean we don't cuddle anymore." He said as I chuckled.

Jason and I are really close as you can tell but everything is just in a friendly way. We are best friends, thats it really.

We began watching the movie as I got a text.

Jai: so are we hanging out today?

Me: Maybe another day?

Jai: Why?

Me: Busy with friends...

Jai: Oh

Me: Sorry

Jai: whatever.

I frowned, thats weird. But I hate when Jai does that. He makes me feel like the bad guy when I did nothing wrong.

"What's wrong?" Jason whispered in my ear.

"Nothing." I said.

"Oh shut up, I know when stuff are bothering you now tell me." He said.

"It's Jai, he just got upset that I wasn't able to hang out with him." I said.

"Call him to talk to him, and if he doesn't understand that then fuck him." Jason chuckled.

"Alright." I said getting up and to my room.

I dialled him and he answered.

"Yeah." He said.

"Are you mad?" I asked him.

"No why?" He said.

"Oh okay, I just thought you were because I wasn't able to hang out with you today." I said.

"Oh haha, it's not like I have anything else to do. But listen I got to go have fun with your friends." He said and hung up.

What a jerk.

I sighed as I went back down.

"Everything good?" Jason asked.

"Absolutely." I said as I continued watching the movie but really wasn't able to focus as Jai was making me go crazy.

Why did he act so weird?

After the second movie we began watching it was probably midnight.

I guess I was the only one up as everyone crashed on the sofa.

I shut the television as I was just looking at my friends.

How lucky am I to have them in my life. I don't need Jai, I have them right here with me.

I went back to Jason as I snuggled into him and ended up falling asleep as well.

My Stalker (Jai Brooks Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now