『 Part 10: Unconscious 』

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"Wheels of justice grind slow but grind fine."
-Sun tzu

"You're leaving?"

Alexander is sitting on my desk with a beer bottle in his right hand and my offer letter from Caltech in his left.

"None of your business, Williams."

"This is none of my business? Well let me ask you something, What exactly is your business Carter?"

I could just tell him that I already said no to the offer but this is what he gets for not giving me any answers about him trashing his office. I already have so many reasons to be mad at him and I'm not letting him off the hook that easily.

"Get your ass up from my chair." 

He doesn't. I walk to him and try snatch the file from his hand but he doesn't let go. 

"Why would it matter to you if I leave or stay?"

He sarcastically chuckles and walks to the windows and is looking outside when he speaks up again. I can't see his face but I can see his jaw clenching from the back.

"How much are they giving you?" 

wow. He speaks up after 2 whole minutes and completely ignores my question.

"How much are they giving me what?"


"I don't give a shit about the money."

And it's true. I don't. Money hasn't ever been something that I loved. Ever since I turned 12, every single purchase that I make, I divide it into two categories- Need and Wants. If I need something then I make sure to buy it and If I want something, I rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 and buy things only above 5. My dad taught me this and it helps save a ton of money along with being happy with what I have. I have never been one to run after money as long as I have enough to buy the things I need. 

"Yea sure you don't. Why else would you leave here where you have most of your project built, your best friend works and you already know everyone! You know Carter, I don't know what I expected from you but it never was stooping so low for money."

This got me mad.

"Do you hear yourself in your head before you say those things? Because If I wanted the money I never would have objected you on investing in the first place! I don't even know what to think about you after accusing me of leaving this place for money."

"Then what are you leaving this place for?"

"I'm not!"

Then a silence fills the room for a minute. And let me tell you, this one was not comfortable at all. He turns around from looking outside and stares at me straight in the eyes.

"You're not leaving?"

"I'm not. I already said no to his offer before he could even explain the perks of it."

"So you've been toying with me this whole time?"

"I've not been toying with you, I just did what you did to me in the afternoon!"

"That is toying with me Sophie. God! You don't get it do you?" He says while grinding his teeth and running his fingers through his hair. looking completely exhausted and irritated from this conversation . Well guess what? So am I. 

"Get what?!"

"Get that-" He stops abruptly like he hadn't thought it through when he decided to say that sentence.

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