Jack looked me over. His eyes raked up and down my body, not in a sleazy kind of way, but as if he was trying to see if I really am who I say I am.
"Ya, you know...Will Turner broke you out of prison and sailed with you for a while, and Elizabeth Turner, she succeeded at killing you at one point."
When I mentioned my mother, and what she had done to him, his eyes shone with amusement, and maybe even a little bit of...apprehension?
"Ah... somehow I knew I wan't done with you Turners. You always have a way of coming back" he said smugly.
"Right. Well Captain Sparrow, I was hoping that I might join your crew."
There was silence as I waited for his answer. He looked me over slowly, sizing me up, judging whether or not I was able to sail with him and his crew.
"Can you handle yourself? Have you ever been part of a crew before, ever been in a fight, ever used a sword before?" he asked firing off questions quicker then I could answer.
"Of course I can handle myself!"
"What about the rest?"
I sighed, "No...I haven't actually been part of a crew, or been in a fight." I saw the look in his eyes, he wasn't sure about me. "But I can learn the ropes, and my father has taught me how to fight! He taught me when I was younger, the one time he was able to come home, and I've been training on my own ever since."
"Fine then. You Turners always have a way of keeping things interesting. Plus I haven't had a good amount of fun in a while, there wasn't enough rum on the ship last time we sailed."
"So you'll have me then? You'll let me sail with you?" I asked hopefully, he was the only real chance I ha at finding my father.
I watched as Jack attempted to stand up, he wasn't very steady on two feet and you could tell that he had drunk way more than just one tankard of ale. Typical.
"Depends, why are you so interested in joining my crew?" his eyes narrowed as he looked at me curiously.
"Jack, Captain Jack," I corrected myself, "I need a ship so that I can look for my father, and you're the only one who has even a remote idea of where he is. Please Jack."
I watched as he started to walk away from me, or tried to at least, he didn't get very far before he toppled over into a very drunk looking man.
"Oi! Watch where you're walking Sparrow!" The drunk spun around and tried to land his fist in Jack's face but he was too slow. I ran over and grabbed his empty bottle and smashed it over the top of his head, knocking him out cold. Everyone in the pub turned at the sound, no one said anything as they looked at the man lying unconscious on the floor, before they all suddenly let out a loud cheer and went back to their drinks.
Jack looked at me in surprise and amusement, "You might not be bad to have around. Come on then, back to my Pearl."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I knew living on a pirate ship wasn't going to be glamorous, not like how I lived at home, but this was pushing it. The Pearl had obviously seen better days, there were holes all over, some looked like they had been patched before. There was also some water on the lower deck, which I assume is a result of the holes. The crew all shared quarters, one of the decks had cots and hammocks all over, and it as very dark and smelled of unclean people. Not that I cared, I was finally living out my dream. I was going to find him, I just wasn't sure what I'd do once I did.
I found and empty hamock and pulled myself in, some of the crew had been relieved and were catching up on their sleep before they had to go back to their duties. I was the only woman on board, and seeing as I was part of the crew now, I was expected to share their quarters.
I sighed as I pulled the itchy blanket over myself and tried to get comfortable. The rocking of the ship slowly lulling me to sleep. But just as I was on the brink of consciousness, a loud snort followed by thundering snoring started.
"Bloody pirates."