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When he was 12, his parents had sat him down one night at dinner, which was butter chicken on rice, and shared the news about their divorce. It didn't surprise him as the signs have been obvious. They spent every minute together. They worked together and came home together. They had the same group of friends and the same hobbies. They argued more than they talked and eventually one day they even started to use separate bedrooms. Witnessing that type of deterioration of their marriage at a young age left him with a jaded view on relationships. He also hasn't been able to eat butter chicken since then. He made a promise to himself that he wouldn't end up like them but with the way things were headed with Y/N, he wasn't really sure anymore.

They were everywhere he was, hung out at his house with his friends to the point where they all started to make fun of him for it. They called him things like "whipped" and "cringey". Frankly, it kinda embarrassed him that he was known for having a clingy partner. It seemed they wanted to spend every free minute of theirs with him. At first, he had appreciated it and was thankful for all the time spent together but now, it's become a constant reminder of his parents.

That's why when his friend had brought up the topic, they laughed and he joined them. He used that conversation as an outlet for everything he had been containing inside. It was ironic when he thought about it. He took a sip of his drink, ignoring the random pang in his chest, and aired his grievances some more.

His friend finally left and he decided to take the trash out, throwing it into the bin without really looking. His attention was drawn by the phone in his hand. He had noticed they left in a rush earlier so he sent a text asking if everything was okay but they haven't replied yet which was odd for them.

He clicked their name and waited as the phone rang. No answer. Huh, maybe they were busy. He shook it off and slid his phone in his pocket and headed back inside to play one of the games they had bought for him. What a day it's been.

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