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It's been weeks since your accident on the bridge. When H/N got there, he gathered you into his arms as you sobbed in fear and relief. The police was called and you had put out a report against him. He was caught shortly after, his truck having had ran out of gas before he could leave town. What luck. He's in prison now and won't be seeing anyone for quite some time. You got checked out at the hospital and found out you had a broken rib and some scrapes and bruises but you were mostly fine. You haven't been able to get behind a wheel just yet but H/N has basically been doing all the driving for you.

At first, having him by your side was amazing. He helped you and made you feel protected. He stayed and held your hand until you fell asleep and would always be back in the morning, making some breakfast in your kitchen. He hadn't crossed any lines and you were thankful for that but also a bit frustrated. Did he not want you anymore? You made a choice that day on the bridge as he held you in his arms. You loved him and you wanted him back.

You tried multiple times to seduce him but he ignored each attempt, making up an excuse to leave. You've "forgotten" your towel, you've accidentally fell, you've tried to cuddle him while sleeping but he promptly got up and slept on the ground. The final straw was tonight. He was helping you get ready for bed and you held onto his wrist as he tucked you in. "Can you stay here with me tonight?"

He nodded. "Sure." He moved away to pull up a chair by your bed but you refused to let him go. "I meant in bed. With me."

"Y/N, I'm not sure so that's a good idea."

You let go of his wrist and sat up, ignoring the twinge in your side. "Do you not want me anymore?" You blurt out. "It seems like you're stepping on glass anytime you're around me and it makes me feel insecure."

His eyes widen and he swallowed. "I respect you too much to take advantage of you while you're injured."

"That's just an excuse!"

"Do you know how bad my heart was racing when you called me? The way your voice cracked on the phone, I thought the worst had happened. When I got to the bridge, I saw you standing there looking broken. I almost cried, Y/N. You could've died!"
Unshed tears glistened in his eyes as he started at you. "I want you so much it hurts but I haven't deserved your forgiveness."

"Well I'm saying it's okay. I wanted to deny it for so long but I love you. I've never stopped loving. Not even when you broke my heart. How sick is that?"

He cringed at the reminder of what he did. "There are not enough apologies for my words and actions." He slowly stepped closer to you and sat down at the edge of the bed. "To tell you the truth, I've had a warped view on relationships since I was a kid. You know how my parents got divorced but I never told you how it affected me. It made me believe that true love didn't exist. Then I met you. You changed my world. You taught me so much about myself, things I didn't even know I was capable of. Then I got anxious at how much time we spent together that I ended up sabotaging our relationship and when I lost you, my world seemed colourless. Nothing was exciting or worth living for anymore."

You tried to reach for him but he held his hand up to get you to wait. "I've been going to therapy. I had a discussion with my friends and that ended with me punching one of them. Not gonna lie, it felt really good. I even spoke with my mom and she cleared up some things."

He turned his body so he was fully facing you. "I love you too, Dove. Don't ever doubt that. Even when I'm being stupid. You're my first thought when I wake up and my last thought before I sleep." He got up and walked closer to you, eyes darkened with a need only you could satisfy.

His hands carefully caressed your face and he leaned forward, peppering kisses all over your face. Once his lips were on yours, it felt like the entire world stopped. His lips were so soft and his breath tickled your nose. You leaned into the kiss, silently demanding more. You both breathed heavily as your lips pressed together. He was the one to back away first, feeding his starving lungs some air.

He hid his head in the crook of your neck as he caught his breath. "We should stop here." You could tell he was just as nervous as you were.

"We're not stopping." You pushed him back and straddled his waist. "We've wasted enough time." You leaned forward and starting kissing his neck, which you know he loved.

His arms made their way around you and gently held you, being mindful of your broken rib and he pulled you up to look into your eyes. "I know we can't just pick up right where we left off but I refuse to spend another day without you."

No other words were exchanged as you both decided to speak with your bodies instead. You knew that you both had a long way to go but you were happy you were doing it together.

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