Making Amends

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He wanted them back. He realized this when he was inside their room, wearing the matching shirt they threw out. He took his mother's advice to heart and sat down, thinking of ways he can earn their trust again. He had to do something first though. Something super important. His doorbell rang, signalling the arrival of his friends. He took a deep breath and counted to three before opened the door.

He guided them all to the living room and sat down once everyone was seated. "So, I've gathered you all here today because I have something to say."

"Save us the long humanitarian speech and just cut to it. I have a tournament to participate in."

He felt his jaw tighten and chose to ignore his supposed friend.

"Anyways, as you all know, I've made a lot of mistakes particularly concerning my relationship. I took them for granted and projected my own issues onto them. Because of that, I let myself and you guys say some horrible stuff about them. I'm appalled at my own behaviour so I'm not judging any of you here. I just wanted to let you all know that moving forward, you'll respect them."

"You're asking us to respect them when you talked shit about them with us? High horse much." It was the same guy that was here when Y/N overheard everything and the same one who interrupted him earlier.

"Like I said, I messed up." His kept his tone was stern. "If you were my friends, you would understand. It doesn't cost us anything to do better."

"Is that what mommy told you when she came over?"

"Dude, that's enough." One of the guys warned.

The ignorant guy stood up. "No, I just want to understand why he thinks he's so much better than us? What makes them worthy of being respected, huh? Are they that good in the bedroom? Maybe I should give them a try."

Before he knew it, he was across the room and had punched the ugly smirk right off his face. "Shut your mouth. Don't you ever speak about them like that." He couldn't recognize his own voice. His other friends had pulled him back and off the guy.

"Okay dude we hear you. We're sorry and we'll do better." One of them said. "Thanks for telling us. We good?"

He nodded and held his throbbing fist. "We good."

The guy on the floor stood up with no help and spit some blood on the carpet and walked towards the door, holding his jaw. "We're finished." He slammed the door and they all waited until they heard his truck drive off.

Good riddance.

The rest of the friends stood there and processed everything that just happened. "You know, we've been finding a way to get rid of him. He's such a jerk."

The rest chimed in agreement. "He needs therapy, bro. Mental health is wealth." One of them added in.

H/N laughed out loud. "That is the last thing I expected you to say." The rest of his friends joined in and laughed.

They all said their goodbyes and he watched as they drove off. He went back inside and grabbed some frozen peas for his hand. As he sat and iced his bruised knuckles, he realized he was one step closer to getting Y/N back. That is, if they'll still have him.

He kept true to his promise of being clingy. He's had flowers delivered to their house and work. He sent text recaps of his days and nights. He's even ordered them matching watches. The bands were different colours but the design was the same. Theirs was an emerald green with gold splatters and his was a ruby red with black splatters. He wanted to give the watch in person though, eager to see their face once they opened his gift. He's also sang their favourite song out by their window, a popular scene in most of the romantic films they've watched together. It was nice until a neighbour threw a tomato at him and told him to go home.

All of this was materialistic though. He needed something more from the heart, something to prove that he truly loved them. He remembered something his mother had said to him years ago.

"If you want to say things you aren't able to say in person, say it in a letter."

He grabbed a pen and an empty paper. He wasn't sure how to start this letter but he was sure of how he felt. Before he knew it, he had half of the page filled.

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