Things get fun

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"Wow.." Taylor said surprised but wanting to know more. "My pet tell me how long you have felt this way." Taylor said wanting more details. " I have had feelings for you since I helped you put on the dress in the dressing room. You were so sexy I couldn't help myself by looking at your huge breasts and sexy highs. I had to keep myself from kissing your lips master." Taylor's mom said looking at Taylor's boobs with pleasure. Taylor decided to have some fun and start playing with her new pet after she said this. Taylor took her shirt off and had her pet remove her bra to show her big breasts to her new pet. Taylor then began rubbing her boobs in her moms face which made her mom let out a loud moan. "Master can we go on the bed and do it?" Taylor's mom looked at her with puppy eyes.

Taylor ran into her moms bedroom jumped onto the bed while her slave walked right behind her. "Ok now let's have some fun my pet.." Taylor said looking at her moms big breasts and licking her lips. Suddenly her mom snapped out of her hypnotic trance, " What the fuck did you just say to me young lady?" Taylor's mom said, which shocked Taylor, making her step back a bit.

Taylor slowly walked to her and began to rub her neck and  whispered into her moms ear, "Shh just relax and fall asleep.." Taylor said trying to put her mom under trance once again. "Taylor stop it.." Taylor could tell by her moms fading voice it was working so she did it again. Taylor started to rub her moms boobs and look into her eyes, "Shh Mom just relax I know you want this more then me." Taylor said trying to out her mom into trance with her beautiful blue eyes.

Taylor's mom was shocked at what Taylor has said, "How did you know about that-" Taylor's mom whispered but was instantly shushed by her daughter, "Shh Mom just relax and fall asleep." Taylor responded and began rubbing her moms pussy back and forth to relax her mind. Taylor's mom's head fell on Taylor's boobs as she fell finally asleep.

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