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What was supposed to be something simple due to the over priced venue turned into an extravagant 8 hour event. My mom loved her so much she "donated" enough money to buy the whole place if she wanted to. Though I'm glad she did because I'd hate to take a picture of a bouquet the same size as a small rose bush.

Alyssa, my plus one, was off dancing with the kids in an effort to get practice in for when she studies to become a teacher. She's really good with the little ones so I don't know why she'd ditch me for such an act. I looked stupid sitting here all alone. I wonder how many times Kit told me that if she really wanted me, we'd be spending way more time together. He was probably saying that in his head right now as he danced the floor tiles up with Nova.

Her dress is beautiful. I was on video chat with my mom when she went with Nova and her mom to pick it out. She was so involved in their entire future. Guess she got bored of talking about mine.

"Spiked fruit punch for you since you seem like you need to relax your shoulders." Maya plopped down next to me then quickly took her heels off.


"I'm surprised Christopher put our neighbors on the guest list." She pointed to a few kids our age then to their parents. "It's going to be so embarrassing going to high school with them. I already hated their middle school."

I agreed even though this was my last year and I would be so many grades ahead of them I most likely won't notice they are present. "I don't think he put them on the list. They still had some seats to fill so mom offered out some names. Plus Santiago's dad is the photographer so it's a percentage off the bill. At least that's what I heard."

"Mr. Senior. It sounds good on you." We clinked glasses then took a few sips before sighing out in relief. "You know, if it wasn't for you coming home everyday and telling me about how awesome high school is then I think I would have dropped out a long time ago."

I smiled softly at her as she took a sip of her sparkling water. Maya was an adorable yet feisty little sister but also kind when she wanted to be. I tried my best to make her hopeful for the future. I think without my input she would be fine, but just to make sure...

"I'm glad you didn't. You'd regret it."

Next was my mom scurrying over with her blonde hair pinned up in a hairstyle similar to that of a complicated knot. Her dress was powder pink with a white belt and heels to match. Even though the night was going smoothly she still found a reason to stress.

"My two beautiful babies! I brought you over a slice of cake because you both look worn out and they are knocking in down tier by tier. Didn't want you to miss out." She did a small twirl while looking from corner to corner quickly. "Where is Tyler? This slice is for him?"

"Probably out back tossing the old inflatable around." Maya rolled her eyes and dug a piece of cake off her plate. "That's why I wanted to bring an extra change of clothes."

"Maya, please! Santiago is still taking photos. I don't need you coming out looking like we put you together backward." She then rushed off as fast as she ran over here and that's when I realized I was still bored.

Alyssa finally gave up on the kids once I finished the last of my cake and Maya was gone back then. I saw her hike up her dress and slip out the back. She brought those change of clothes. We all knew it.

"Hey! It's almost time for my curfew. Seems like the bride and groom are just getting on with family at this point. Maybe you wanna... head out?" I agreed and we both left without telling anyone anything.

I wished I had more time with my girlfriend but she's dead set on the idea that space gives us time to not grow codependent on each other. I don't see it that way though. I'd love to hold her hand and talk about stuff that came across our minds all day. Alyssa wasn't like that.

"Are you nervous about our last year of high school?" She looked at me with soft eyes and for a second I thought she was getting ready to cry. "There's a lot I want to do before I graduate. Plenty of colleges to apply for and outings with my friends." She looked down at her hands and fumbled them around for a bit before taking in a deep shaky breath. "A lot of things I... I want to do alone."

I gulped. It was hard going down but it was the fear of choking on my own ignorance that made the journey smooth. How did I not see it? "Are you talking about... are you saying that we should break up?"


"You've been feeling this way for a while. I can tell. I can look on your face and tell." The timing was horrible. What was up with her and terrible timing. I'd have to go to school tomorrow as if we didn't spend our entire high school moments building up to being together. As if I didn't try day and night to make her feel appreciated. All for her to say she wants to experience her last year alone. Alone?! "I get it. I really do. Maybe this is all too suffocating or maybe I did too much so I understand. I respect your decision."

"You can stop here. I'll walk the rest of the way." Even though we were two blocks from her house and I didn't feel comfortable leaving her to walk such a distance at night, I wanted to continue to accept her choices. "Thank you for the ride and the invitation. I'll see you in school."

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