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I couldn't stand looking at Cassidy. Never have I disliked a person to this extent. How she controlled my entire week, didn't give me a chance to think alone, and ran the entire project. Not that I wanted to do it anyway, but I at least wanted a say on anything. I'm not in idiot. Yet she treated me like one. So while she stood up there using big words she most likely googled a day ago, here I am eyeing her down like the brat she was born to be.

"Thank you, the both of you. Very informative." I huffed as we both walked back to our seats. Only one of us with a smile. "Hope you all took good notes cause I'll be making up a couple questions from all the presentations for our exam next week."

The bell rang and I quickly gathered my belongings just in time to see Logan stuck his head in the room with a smile. Brett stumbled in right being him. "Fucking weekend my man!" Logan nodded excitedly and so did I.

We all raced out and down the hall to the exit doors despite many people in our way. Logan woke up an hour early to pick us all up for school then take us all to Bakersfield to attend the annual youth bash where everyone eighteen and under can get free booze and some rich kids pay for half the hotel fees. It's the only thing that gets Brett hyped for his games and Logan and I attended simply because it's a good time.

"I bet you want the goodies! I bet you thought about it!" Logan pointed to me.

"Got you all hot and bothered. Mad 'cause I talk about it!" I pointed to Brett in the back seat.

"If you're lookin' for the goodies! Keep on looking 'cause they stay in the jar!" Brett reached up to turn down the music and that's when I realized that he had no seatbelt on. "Loya is coming. I told her about the tickets on Thursday and she got some right then and there. Something about not wanting me to find another her? I don't know. She's crazy."

We both looked at Logan who looked back at us like we were crazy. "What?! I don't have the answer for everything. Just ask her what's bothering her."

"See, that's an answer," Brett smiled. "I'll text her and ask her what time she's headed out. Told her we were leaving early to eat along the way. Though stomach acid and beer aren't a bad combo."

The fact that he and Loya are arguing every two seconds is all I could think about when I wanted to envision just how much fun I would be having at this party. "Dude. I thought we discussed this would be a guys thing. I never brought Alyssa to any of our events."

Brett scoffed. "Because she ain't want to go with you, bro." Though it hit home, I couldn't and wouldn't let him see that. I just turned back in my seat and kept my mouth closed. "I think we might even find a girly to suck Logan right out of his therapists office."

He gagged at the thought. "Oh, God. Something is off with you. Truly." Brett then slapped his hands on both of Logan's shoulders and gave them a tight squeeze. "I actually wanted to tell you guys something, but it's been a busy weekend." Brett and I were back looking into his eyes waiting for him to get whatever was on his chest right off. "I actually started going to therapy because my... libido was low."

Brett gasped. "I thought only girls had libias! We really don't know you, man."

Logan rolled his eyes. "Libido, you fuck dummy. Another word for sex drive. You know, that thing that is off the charts for you." Brett's mouth hung open dumbly. "When I was dating, I always felt like I couldn't keep up with these girls. Carissa wanted it five times a day. Sam told me I was boring. It ruined my self esteem. I wanted to know why I wasn't like you guys. Y'all do it without thinking and meanwhile I could go weeks and never think of it. Like I'm wired differently."

"Oh, shit. I've heard this before," Brett looked concerned.

"You have?!" Logan spoke with a hint of excitement. "That's cool as hell. I did so much research on it and it seemed to be a spectrum. Not like an autistic type thing but a sex type spectrum."

"Erectile dysfunction."

I looked at Brett with wide eyes. "Wow." Logan closed his eyes for a few seconds as if to collect his patient. "Maybe... shut the fuck up and let Logan finish his break through. I don't know just... maybe."

"Asexual. I'm asexual. Describes me exactly and it took a while but I'm ready to just tell you all. So I'd appreciate if the "get laid" jokes and comments about not dating came down to a minimum. I'm still trying to figure it all out which is why I meditate."

Brett threw his head into his hands and laughed. "That sounds way better, bro. I was telling my mom you were gay. I thought I had a gay best friend. I mean... it's cool you're figuring yourself out but I kind of wanted to know what the obsession with a gay friend was about. Maybe in another life."

I rested a hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "That's good, man. Sounds like a few more steps until you can fully live in it. Maybe you'll even find a girl on your spectrum too."

"Thank you. Both of you. Just been wanting to say it for a while."

"Can we get pre-drinks in honor of Logan's asexuality?" No one wanted to disagree with Brett since that would be absurd. "Yes! And maybe some weed! Get cross faded!"

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