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My mom entered my room without so much as a knock just to place my basket of white clothes in my room. "I could have one hundred percent been completely naked."

"Nothing I hadn't seen before." She then proceeded to fold them right in my face. "What are you doing in here?"

I wanted to shut my computer and scream at the amount of frustration that was going into this stupid essay. Pre-AP was not nearly as intense as the real thing but if I want to avoid taking an even harder advanced English in college, then getting a B in this class is worth it. "I'm doing research on biographies. I need dad to get back from wherever he is. It says his calendar is empty all this week."

"Your father should be back tomorrow. His flight was delayed and he apologized. He also said you haven't been calling him since he left."

I didn't have a reasonable response to not picking up the phone to call the old man besides the fact that he hadn't called me either. I'm starting to believe I'm the only one who noticed how different he's been treating me since I opted out of sports for my high school duration. "I tried calling. He was probably in a meeting or busy both times."

She nodded slowly before her eyes snapped to the pile of clothes on my floor. "Are these clean?" I nodded. "Then why are they on the ground?" She then went to pick them up and fold them along with the other clothes. "Wrinkling your Champions shirt."

"I was going somewhere but never got a text back so I guess the outing is off." The thought of Paris looking at my text and completely ignoring me didn't sound like her. Then again, I don't even know her. "But I'll fold my own clothes. I need to have an intro to this essay by Friday."

She shimmied her shoulders before going over to give me a kiss on my temple. "Okay, my straight A student. When you get some time, teach your brother that conversate is not a word. It's converse, but since I failed my English class when I was your guys age, I lost all credibility."

I laughed as she swung her way out of my room and closed the door behind her.

I laughed as she swung her way out of my room and closed the door behind her

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The next day came by quicker than I wanted it too

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The next day came by quicker than I wanted it too. I knew Paris would be on campus but not in any of her classes. My best bet was to stay away from anything related to hyping up sports and I could go one full day without feeling humiliated once again.

"Oh~!" The sound of a deep voice of a man yelling quickly got closer and by the time I turned around, I saw a glimpse of Brett about to tackle me into my locker with his shoulder pads and jersey. I braced myself for impact but it never came. "Practice today!" He yelled while holding his hand upside down for me to accept this chest bump hug. "God do I feel good. Loya came over this morning for a good luck quickie and good and lucky do I feel."

I chuckled as I turned back to hide my face in my locker. Nothing sports related. That was my goal. Next thing I know she'll be walking around with a clipboard taking a poll to see what all the athlete's goals were for this season. Yet here is one of them talking up a storm about his girlfriend's "amazing lips".

"They're like those suction cups that are on the back of those hooks you hang in the shower to hold your loofah. Strong as hell and have a grip of a-"

"Men," Logan interrupted just in time. "The kick-off of this semester's senior season is active and in play. But is it me or did the cross country shorts get shorter?"

Brett whistled the moment he turned around to show us the full view of the new track and field uniforms. My eyebrows widened at the sight as well. "Nice ass, Logan. Truly packing back there my guy. Who is the lucky girl? Before you answer, let me make sure Loya isn't around so you don't steal her."

"I am actually single and enjoying it. Thank you for the compliment though."

I pulled out my phone the moment I saw Brett pull out his phone to show Logan a picture of some girl he thinks it right up poor Logan's ally. I noticed that I didn't turn my data on when I left the house. The second I did, boy was I slapped with a surprise. "Jesus fuck." I clapped a hand over my mouth as Logan and Brett looked at what I was looking at.

"Oh, geez. That doesn't look good at all. I mean there are a million ways for you to apologize. You just have to muster up the courage to approach her."

I completely forgot that I needed to turn my data on to get messages that aren't incoming from another Iphone

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I completely forgot that I needed to turn my data on to get messages that aren't incoming from another Iphone. "I'm an asshole. I knew I should have just let shit be. It's freaking Brett's fault for putting the shit in my head that I could put myself back out there." I closed my locker with enough force to have it bounce back out at us. I then used it to rest my head as I felt a headache oncoming.

"Don't put your problems out on me. I know how to work a phone. Never miss a call or a text." He proudly smiled to himself.

"It's not that big a deal," Logan reassured, "everything can be resolved when you just talk to someone." Brett and I turned to look at Logan who sounded like someone's voice of reason. "I started therapy in July and it's really chilled down my previous wild and out-of-pocket persona. Just let it be, please."

Brett smiled. "We understand. So listen to Logan 2.0, Ryan. Not even I could have come up with that."


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