Chapter 1

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The one thing Camila Cabello looked forward to every day was the letter.

Without fail, it was always there, slipped into her locker sometime throughout the day. It was kind of like a surprise. The contents were always different and ranged from pages and pages of thoughts, to one word, to a picture or symbol. It had been happening for a month now and despite her attempts of communication, she could never find a way to reply to the letters.

That day, Camila ran to her locker after a hard test, desperate for some kind words from the person who wrote the letters. They were never signed and Camila couldn't place the writing to anyone she knew. The letter fluttered to the ground when she opened the locker, like a butterfly release from a cage.

Camila could feel a smile across her face as she read:

"Here are all the things you can know about me:

-I'm a girl.

-I'm seventeen.

-I'm in one of your classes.

-I think you're beautiful.

-I was in the crowd when you played football with the boy's team. You're better than most of them and I think you could replace one of the players easily.

-I don't think it's lame that you'd rather play sports than be a cheerleader.

Her heart fluttered as she read, especially the last two points. Two weeks prior she had been approached to play on the football team, which was typically all male. Due to several of the players being kicked off the team for poor grades, the captain was desperate for another player. He knew that Camila was easily the best female athlete in the school and asked her to fill in for one game. Her frame was small but she was fast and years of working out left her decently strong.

The feeling of running across the field with a football in hand as the entire school cheered her on...there was no better feeling. There was nothing that could beat the adrenaline rush when she was tackled to the ground, the push to get back up and beat the other team.

she wanted so badly to talk to this girl who wrote the letters, to see what she looked like, to hear her voice. It was crazy to think that she might have been falling in love with someone she had never actually spoken to, but there was always that possibility that she knew them, and was completely oblivious. I'm in one of your classes. Camila's mind whirled, trying to figure out who it could be.

She ran her fingers over the letter again and realized there was something written on the back.

"If you want to write me, leave your letter on top of locker 200. It isn't mine, but don't worry, I'll get it."

Finally Camila would have the chance to ask her something.

She scribbled a quick message on a piece of paper and resealed the envelope that her letter had came in.

"Can I know who you are? I want to meet you so badly. Your letters make me happy every single day.

I'm going to talk to the football coach right now. Thank you."

- - - - - - - - - -

"I can play. You know I can," Camila told the coach.

"I know, Camila. However, this is a boy's team, and people will complain that it isn't fair. The boy's won't tackle you. It's a lot of hard training and work."

"Give me a chance," Camila begged. "If they can't tackle me because I'm a girl, it sucks to be them. Please, give me a few games. Just a few. I'll show you, I can do this."

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