Chapter 6

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"Come on, Mila, you have to get a dress," Normani dragged an unwilling Camila into a store with racks upon racks of dresses, from long to short.

"I have one," Camila insisted.

"You have one dress that you have worn to every occasion since seventh grade. Come on, this is the victory dance. You'll probably even be nominated for princess," Dinah pointed out.

Camila groaned. "If you guys nominated me, I swear..."

"We nominated Lauren," Ally butted in, and Normani and Dinah both hit her on the arm. "What?! I didn't think that was supposed to be a secret!"

Normani rolled her eyes. "The point is, you're a star now. You need to look like one, and that old red dress you have isn't going to cut it."

"Speaking of Lauren, why didn't you guys invite her to come?" Camila asked curiously. Now that they were all friends, it seemed strange that their outing didn't include Camila's now-girlfriend. "She told me she needed a dress, too."

Dinah laughed. "We already went shopping with her. You said you didn't want to go."

"Oh, right..." Camila remembered the event.

"Enough talking," Normani threw a couple of dresses at Camila. "Go try these on."

Camila tried on what seemed like millions of dresses. She tried long ones that swept the floor when she moved; she wore short tight ones that just barely covered her bottom region. She wore yellow, black, purple and blue dresses. There was no 'oh my gosh, that has to be the one' moment, like in the movies. The four girls mused over several options for an entire hour, until Camila grew impatient and forced them to choose one.

In the end, she chose a short gold dress with a flared out skirt and a sweetheart neckline. "It's so cute," Ally gushed as Camila made her purchase.

That night, Camila called Lauren.

"How was your dress expedition?" Lauren laughed after they had greeted each


"Did everyone know about this except me?" Camila complained. "It was fine. Boring, but I got a dress."

"What color?" Lauren asked eagerly.

Camila rolled over on to her stomach. "What, have you caught the dress bug, too?" She laughed a little. "It's gold."

"Oooh," Lauren breathed. "It'll look good next to my purple one."

"Who said I'm taking you?" Camila joked.

"I did."

Camila smiled to herself. "I'm tired. I'll see you in school tomorrow, alright?"

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